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The reassessment of anthropogenic effects on environment in the Budapest agglomeration

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 31, no. 1
Sando Katona


Year, pages: 1979, 12 - 32
Language: eng
Document type: článok/journal
About article:
The author took part as leader of a working groiíp in the elaboration of the long-range (1975 – 1990) area arrangement of the Budapest agglomeration (the Capital and 44 adjoining settlements). The working group analysed the natural potentials and settled the main tendencies of environmental development. Relying on the experiences gained in planning the present article interprets the Capital and her surroundings as a dialectical unit of natural (bioactive) and artificial (anthropogenic) surfaces. It reveals the territorial problems from the point of mutual relation between the city and its natural surroundings. It analyses in detail the deterioration, impurity of litho-, hydro-, athmo- and biospheres setting up the geographical environment and reviews the main proposals tending towards the protection of environmental elements and the improvement of the environment.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Katona, S. 1979. The reassessment of anthropogenic effects on environment in the Budapest agglomeration. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 31, no.1, pp. 12-32. 0016-7193.

Katona, S. (1979). The reassessment of anthropogenic effects on environment in the Budapest agglomeration. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 31(1), 12-32. 0016-7193.
About edition:
Publisher: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences