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Krajinné typy Východoslovenskej nížiny, ich potenciál a ochrana

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 35, no. 1
Emil Mazúr - Koloman Tarábek - Jozef Kvitkovič


Year, pages: 1983, 20 - 31
Language: slo
Document type: článok/journal
About article:
The landscape-ecological investigation of Slovakia enables within the landscape system to distinguish types, or also areas with different potential for human utilizating functions. Potential of some types is usable easily, in others its realization is retarded by certain negative phenomena, the re- moving of which requires costly technological measures. A very lowered potential for economic activities occurs in the plain-like landscape of the East-Slovakian Lowland (Východoslovenská Nížina), where a negative phenomenon is both stagnation and accumulation of water flowing to or from precipitation into depressional positions, namely due to a cooperation of non-favourable natural landscape processes: recent tectonic sub-sidence sudden affluxes of a great amount of water from the adjacent mountain ranges with an impermeable substratum, impermeability of soils in the plain-like landscape of the lowland as well as rich summer rains in the lowland landscape. Removal of these negative phenomena is, therefore, possible by constructing water reservoirs on rivers flowing from the adjacent mountain ranges and by constructing water reservoirs on the most tectonically subsiding depressions, while on less subsiding areas by building up the systems of drainage and by introducting different types in agriculture.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Mazúr, E., Tarábek, K., Kvitkovič, J. 1983. Krajinné typy Východoslovenskej nížiny, ich potenciál a ochrana. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 35, no.1, pp. 20-31. 0016-7193.

Mazúr, E., Tarábek, K., Kvitkovič, J. (1983). Krajinné typy Východoslovenskej nížiny, ich potenciál a ochrana. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 35(1), 20-31. 0016-7193.
About edition:
Publisher: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences