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Kritický inštitucionalizmus Miroslava Kusého a základy slovenskej politológie

In: Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 11, no. 2
Jozef Bátora


Year, pages: 2018, 20 - 31
Language: slo
Miroslav Kusý; institutionalism; political science; individual; organization; government; state; citizens’ rights
About article:
The aim of this study is to analyze those works by Miroslav Kusý that deal with the role of institutions in political life. The main argument is that Miroslav Kusý developed institutional line of thought, which has been bringing forward analytical reflection of the processes of political stability and transformation since the 1960s, and this in parallel with the evolution of institutionalism as a theoretical current in western political science. Meanwhile, the empirical context of systemic changes in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s gave Kusý room for a specific type of institutionalist arguments which, while reflecting current issues, due to some degree of abstraction do not lose their theoretical relevance even today in the context of exploring the changes in political institutions such as citizenship, or institutionalized arrangements such as the EU. Since institutionalism in its various forms constitutes one of the established political paradigms, I argue in this study that Miroslav Kusý may well be regarded as the founder of modern Slovak political science.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Bátora, J. 2019. Kritický inštitucionalizmus Miroslava Kusého a základy slovenskej politológie. In Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 11, no.2, pp. 20-31. 1337-8163.

Bátora, J. (2019). Kritický inštitucionalizmus Miroslava Kusého a základy slovenskej politológie. Studia Politica Slovaca, 11(2), 20-31. 1337-8163.
About edition:
Publisher: Ústav politických vied SAV
Published: 31. 1. 2019