In: Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 11, no. 2
Year, pages: 2018, 3 - 19
Language: slo
communism; Communist Party of Czechoslovakia; political science; Normalisation regime; the Bratislava Five
About article:
Miroslav Kusý belongs to the generation of intellectuals of the 20th century who never doubted that the implementation of communist ideals would secure peace and prosperity for all humanity. Gradually, however, his opinions ceased to correspond to the party line, and in 1971 he was expelled from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. After his break with communist ideology, he nevertheless remained committed to Marxism, and this at the time of his open conflict with the Normalization regime. M. Kusý’s persecution culminated in August 1989, when he was taken into custody with Jan Čarnogurský. Hana Ponická, Vladimír Maňák and Anton Selecký were arrested as well. Together, they formed the wellknown Bratislava Five. Kusý advocated reintegration of political science into the system of scientific disciplines as early as the 1960s. He argued in its favour by saying that the former contributes to the understanding of social, political and economic problems. Since 1990, he has significantly contributed to the development of political science in Slovakia and is still one of the leading advocates of human rights. His opinions are always closely monitored and at times trigger negative reactions. Kusý has frequently encountered attacks on his person, his opinions and attitudes in the mass media - not only during the Normalization period but also after 1990. He has always striven to find answers through his own reasoning and fact-finding and to arrive at conclusions that would reflect both the particular period and the level of knowledge of the time. His life stance has garnered him honours including the state awards of the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Kmeť, N. 2019. Úsilie o humanizáciu človeka a občana. In Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 11, no.2, pp. 3-19. 1337-8163.
Kmeť, N. (2019). Úsilie o humanizáciu človeka a občana. Studia Politica Slovaca, 11(2), 3-19. 1337-8163.
About edition:
Publisher: Ústav politických vied SAV
Published: 31. 1. 2019