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PhD. Topics

Earth Science Institute of the SAS

Paleoecological analysis of changes in trace fossil communities in the Lower Triassic successions of the Western Carpathians
PhD. program
Name of the supervisor
Mgr. Vladimír Šimo, PhD.
Receiving school
Prírodovedecká fakulta UK
Shallow-sea trace fossils within transgressive surfaces (Skolithos, Diplocraterion, Rhizocorallium) in Lower Triassic sediments occur worldwide and raise questions about the rate of recovery of benthic ecosystems at different latitudes after the end-Permian mass extinction. The occurrence of this type of shallow-marine trace fossils in the Central Western Carpathians characterizes the Lower Triassic successions of the Tatric and Hronic units. The transgressive-regressive successions contain benthic assemblages with poorly diverse trace fossils. The ichnological and facies study of the Lower Triassic formations in the Silicic Unit (Bodvaszilas Sandstone, Szin Marl and Szinpetri Marl) will assess the recovery rate as well as address paleogeographic connections between Silicicum, Hronicum and Tatricum units. The research of the Lower Triassic successions of Silicic Unit will be focused on the localities in the Slovak Karst, with possible correlation of the type localities of the Bodvaszilas Sandstone, Szin Marl and Szinpetri Marl formations.