Institute of Informatics
Application of artificial intelligence methods in the design of (smart) robotic devices
PhD. program
Cybernetics/Robotics and cybernetics
Name of the supervisor
Ing. Jaroslav Hricko, PhD.
Receiving school
Faculty of electrotechnics and informatics STU
Problems of optimal design of compliant electro-mechanical devices using artificial intelligence methods are expected. The work is based on the current design procedures with a focus on the design and optimization of the geometry, parameters and functional characteristics of E-M devices. Implementation of "smart" properties into the solved structure of electro-mechanisms, such as e.g. sensors, effectors, movement units, etc., with a particular focus on small and micro-electro-mechanical devices. The methodical procedure is to create mathematical models based on theoretical analyzes and experimental measurements (eg on physical models at a given scale) and subsequent optimization of parameters for real dimensions.
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