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The list of national projects SAS

Institute of Geotechnics SAS

Hybrid Composites for Complex Treatment of Industrial Waters

Hybridné kompozity pre komplexné čistenie priemyselných vôd

Duration: 1.7.2020 - 30.6.2024
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Melnyk Inna PhD.
Annotation:Water is an issue and became a priority of the research of the 21st century. The core subject of the project proposal lays in the research priorities defined by Strategy of research and innovations for the intelligent specialization of Slovak republic – RIS 3 as well as Strategy Europe 2020. The main objective of the project is the preparation of composite micro and nano adsorbents based on silica and metal oxides for the removal of inorganic and organic pollutants from waters. The materials will be functionalized by various functional groups in order to achieve better selectivity towards different metal ions and organic compounds. Multifunctional porous and nonporous spherical adsorbents will be prepared via one-step synthesis. The magnetic composites with mono- and multi-functional surface layers will synthesize as well. The sorption affinity of the new materials towards arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury ions, and the selected organic pollutants such as adsorbable organic halides from metallurgy industry, polyaromatic hydrocarbons from agriculture, azodyes from textile industry and/or residuals of medical drugs will be investigated.

Characteristics of suspended and dust particles of atmospheric deposition in relation to their origin, sources and the contamination of selected components of the environment.

Charakteristika suspendovaných a prachových častíc atmosférickej depozície vo vzťahu k ich pôvodu, zdrojom a kontaminácii vybraných zložiek životného prostredia.

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Hančuľák Jozef PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on the dust particles study in the atmosphere, that pose serious health and environmental risks. Sampling of suspended (PM) and dust particles of atmospheric deposition as well as soil samples will be carried out in urban and suburban environments with a specific metallurgical industry in the Košice area. The aim of the project is to obtain deficient knowledge of the origin of suspended and particulate matter in relation to anthropogenic and natural sources of their emissions and their impact and interactions with the soil in the monitored area and resulting from it risks based on specific particle characteristics (heavy metal content, chemical and phase compositions, large distribution, shape characteristics) and soil samples.

Intensification of Selected Metals Recovery from Refractory Polymetallic Ores and Mining Wastes in Microwave Field

Intenzifikácia získavania vybraných kovov z ťažkoupraviteľných polymetalických rúd a banských odpadov v mikrovlnnom poli

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Znamenáčková Ingrid PhD.
Annotation:The project is aimed at the study of microwave energy application in recovery of critical and strategic metals (Cu, Sb, Ag, Au, REE) from refractory polymetallic ores and their concentrates. Microwave pre-treatment will realise to meet an effective liberation of utility components. An attention will be paid to selective heating of utility minerals, which strongly absorb the microwave radiation (sulphides and oxides) and of non absorbing barren minerals (silicates). Selectivity of heating and degree of mineral structure failure will analyse by optical and scanning electron microscopy. An influence of microwave on the processes of comminution and separation in magnetic, electric and gravity fields will be observed. Metals winning will be performed by extraction techniques in solutions of mineral and organic acids (EDTA), and their salts, before and after microwave pre-treatment of metal ores and concentrates. Microwave-assisted metals extraction enabling more efficient metals leaching will be also realised.


Mechanochemická príprava CuS nanočastíc pre imunoterapiu

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2024
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka PhD.

Possibilities of wastes valorisation from mining and processing of ore raw materials

Možnosti zhodnotenia odpadov z ťažby a úpravy rudných surovín

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Luptáková Alena PhD.
Annotation:The project idea is in accordance with the Environmental Policy Strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2030. The basis of the project are research of combinations of physical, chemical and biological methods for recovery of waste from mining and processing of ore raw materials from selected environmental loads containing sulphide minerals in Slovakia. The expected benefits of the project are the information completion as well as the achieving of original knowledge in the areas of the acquire of base and critical metals/metalloids, treatment mine waters, leaching of mine and mineral processing wastes dumping, the use of residual mineral fractions for the preparation of building materials and environmental protection.

Possibilities of critical raw materials recovery by advanced methods of mining wastes processing

Možnosti získavania kritických surovín pomocou progresívnych metód spracovania banských odpadov

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Luptáková Alena PhD.
Annotation:The project idea is in accordance with priorities of strategy for research and development adopted by the government RIS 3 and Strategy of the environmental policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030. The project solution is based on the research and development need of progressive methods of wastes treatment from the mining and processing industry of ore raw materials in order to obtain critical raw materials with regard to environmental protection. The project is focused on the study of the wastes recovery from selected old mining sulphidic burdens in Slovakia - Smolník and Zlatá Baňa, as secondary sources of critical raw materials. The proposed concept of the solution results from the intensification of natural processes combined with advanced physico-chemical and especially biological-chemical processes, in accordance with generally used mining waste treatment procedures and respecting the specific geochemical and hydrogeological conditions of the sites. The expected benefits of the project are the selective metals recovery, the sulphates elimination, the mineral fractions utilization for construction materials and the remediation proposal for the recovery and use of landscape potential.

Advanced method of preparation of selected metal chalcogenides by high-energy milling as potential materials for energy conversion.

Pokročilý spôsob prípravy vybraných chalkogenidov kovov vysoko-energetickým mletím ako potenciálnych materiálov pre konverziu energie.

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela PhD.
Annotation:The project will focus on an advantageous synthesis of transition metal chalcogenides, selenides, and selenospinels by high-energy milling and the characterization of their physico-chemical properties. In planetary ball mills, the synthesis of binary and ternary selenides, synthetic analogues of minerals naumannite (Ag2Se), berzelianite (Cu2-xSe), and selenospinels of the Me3Se4 type, where Me=Fe,Ni,Co, and CuCr2Se4 will take place, or combined mechano/thermal approach will be used, resp. The milling technique will also be used to prepare doped selenides with elemental Ag (Cu2-xAgxSe; x=0.1-2) and Zn, Mn, I...(Cu1-xTxCr2Se4-xIx; x=0.1-1) in order to improve their thermoelectric efficiency. The kinetics of syntheses, phase composition, and morphology of undoped and doped chalcogenides will be monitored. Furthermore, the powder densification conditions will be determined, the thermoelectrical, optical, and magnetic properties will be measured. The properties of synthetic analogues will be compared with minerals.

Rock drilling process using the vibration signal

Proces rozpojovania hornín s využitím vibračného signálu

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Bali Hudáková Mária PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on differentiation of various areas of rock drilling in laboratory conditions using the experimental core-drilling rig simulating the real drilling conditions. Investigation of differentiation of such areas using the vibration signal along with determination of energy consumption shall contribute to quantification and qualitative assessment of efficient volume disintegration directly in the in-situ real conditions. Numerical and analytical methods, image processing of drilled cores and actual condition of drill bit, and observation of distribution and shape of drilled rock debris will all be used for analysis and interpretation of acquired data. Mechanical properties of drilled rock will be monitored as well, such as strength and abrasive properties. The project shall result in specific information on interaction between rock and drill bit, while the drilled core, drill debris, vibration signal and condition change of drill bit will all represent the new information carrier.

Processing of aluminosilicate minerals to create adsorbents with organofunctional groups for water purification from inorganic and organic pollutants

Spracovanie hlinitokremičitanových minerálov na vytvorenie adsorbentov s organofunkčnými skupinami pre čistenie vôd od anorganických a organických znečisťujúcich látok

Duration: 1.9.2023 - 30.6.2026
Project leader: Mgr. Simanová Klaudia


Staré banské diela ako zdroj environmentálneho zaťaženia prostredia

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Luptáková Alena PhD.

Synthesized minerals with the structure of complex oxides as components for devices for green energy production and storage

Syntetizované minerály na báze komplexných oxidov a testovanie ich využitia pre komponenty zariadení získavania a uskladnenia energie so zreteľom na udržateľnosť životného prostredia

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Fabián Martin PhD.
Annotation:The issue of the development of sustainable energy sources is one of the most intensively researched scientific areas today. However, addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach. One of the possibilities is the synthesis and modification of new materials based on minerals with a structure of complex oxides. It is known that complex oxides have a wide range of applications as components for energy generating and storing equipment. Nevertheless, the influence of the modification of the composition, structure, variations in the size of the crystallographic grains and the contribution of the active surface on the functional properties of the studied materials still requires intensive research. Therefore, within the solution of the project, complex oxides of various structural and chemical compositions (especially with perovskite and spinel structure) will be synthesized and investigated utilizing milling of precursors and investigated by standard methods used for the characterization of minerals.

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the military conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 1.3.2023 - 28.2.2026
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Makota Oksana

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the military conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine 09I03-03-V01-00098

Duration: 1.9.2022 - 31.8.2025
Project leader: Mgr. Semeshko Olha PhD., DrSc.

High-energy milling of calcite-based eggshell waste and selected plants for preparation of nanocrystalline minerals and environmental applications

Vysoko-energetické mletie vaječného odpadu na báze kalcitu a vybraných rastlín pre prípravu nanokryštalických minerálov a environmentálne aplikácie

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Baláž Matej PhD.
Annotation:High-energy milling is a mineral processing technique initially developed for the treatment of raw materials during mining activities. In the proposed project, it will be used to treat calcite mineral present in the eggshell waste in order to improve its adsorption capability against selected heavy metal ions and dyes from both model solutions and real wastewaters from the mining regions. Additionally, bio-based calcite and the organic residue will be used as active reactants in the synthesis to yield nanocrystalline minerals (sulfides, oxides and their composites) and as a catalyst for the selected organic reactions. Both adsorption and nanomaterials synthesis will be also performed with selected common plants as natural raw materials. Eggshell and selected plants will be also applied as reducing agents to yield Ag and AgCl nanoparticles. The application of the obtained products in the fields of photocatalysis, thermoelectrics and in biomedicine will be tested in collaboration with foreign partners.

Microwave Energy Utilization in the Removal of Toxic Pollutants from Model Solutions, Mine Drainage and Industrial Waste Decontamination.

Využitie mikrovlnnej energie pri odstraňovaní nebezpečných polutantov z modelových roztokov, banských vôd a pri dekontaminácii priemyselných odpadov

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Zubrik Anton PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on the preparation of advanced carbon adsorbents from local precursors (e.g. Slovak lignite, waste biomass). Microwave heating will be applied in the pyrolytic synthesis of the adsorbents, their surface activation, and modification, as well as in the regeneration process. The modification will be realized by incorporating magnetic nanoparticles (Fe (0), Fe-oxides) into carbon structures. It allows the separation of the solid adsorbent from the cleaned water by magnetic filtration. In addition to the static adsorption experiments, the dynamic mode will be applied during the adsorption studies to eliminate selected toxic metals/metalloids and organic pollutants. Desorption and regeneration of adsorbents as well as microwave degradation of organic pollutants will also be examined. The main goal is to prepare the advanced material with excellent surface properties applicable in the environmental technologies e.g. for remediation of mine drainage and industrial wastes.

Relationships between structure and unusual physical properties in highly nonequilibrium oxides prepared by unconventional mechanochemical synthesis

Vzťahy medzi štruktúrou a nezvyčajnými fyzikálnymi vlastnosťami vo vysoko-nerovnovážnych oxidoch pripravených nekonvenčnou mechanochemickou syntézou

Duration: 1.7.2020 - 30.6.2024
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Fabián Martin PhD.
Annotation:Nonconventional mechanochemical methods will be used to prepare the far-from-equilibrium novel nanooxides. The studies of the early stages of the mechanically induced nucleation and growth of nonequilibrium phases will provide access to the elucidation of the microscopic mechanism of the nonconventional mechanochemical preparation route. This point represents one of the fundamental but till now the unsolved scientific issues in the field of mechanochemistry/solid state chemistry. Valuable quantitative insights into the atomic and electronic structures as well as into the dynamic and kinetic processes in the mechanochemically prepared nanomaterials will be obtained. Mechanical, magnetic and electric responses of the far-from-equilibrium nanophases will be studied experimentally with the aim to establish the interplay between their local structure and the functional behavior.

Gold recovery from White Hill (Detva) concentrate using algae and mechanical activation

Získavanie zlata z koncentrátu Biely vrch (Detva) s využitím rias a mechanickej aktivácie

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Ficeriová Jana PhD.
Annotation:Complicated technological treatment of gold-containing concentrates and non-ecological methods of their processing have initiated the use of a non-traditional environmental method of this precious metal recovery. For these reasons, the scientific project is focused on gold obtained from concentrate White Hill (Detva) by using algae and mechanical activation. Mechanical activation of the concentrate and silica shells of freshwater algae causes changes in the physico-chemical properties of gold carriers as well as mineral components of algae. These structural changes have a decisive influence on the precipitation of nano-size gold into solutions of environmentally friendly reagents, from which the gold is subsequently fixed in the cell matrix on mechanically activated silica algae shells. The gold nanoparticles obtained in this way can have a very important benefit in practice for the disposal of hazardous substances in the environment.

The total number of projects: 17