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The list of national projects SAS

Institute of Molecular Biology

Biocleaning: microorganisms and their enzymes for effective removing of synthetic polymers from cultural heritage object surfaces

Biologické čistenie (biocleaning): mikroorganizmy a ich enzýmy pre efektívne odstraňovanie syntetických polymérov z povrchov objektov kultúrneho dedičstva

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Bučková Mária PhD.
Annotation:Among the restoration and conservation procedures, cleaning is one of the most common, delicate, and important operations. Besides restoring the aesthetic appearance of artifacts, cleaning has an active role in their preservation, as soiling and contaminating substances do not just alter readability, but also take part in, or induce, surface degradation processes, which may irreversibly alter the original components of works of art. Biocleaning is the process which uses living cells (mainly microorganisms) that could be applied on the surface of the items to remove the undesired substrate. In this way we will exploit living microorganisms and their enzymatic power to develop eco-friendly and cost-effective approaches to clean wood and canvas surfaces from different classes of synthetic polymers (acrylate and their copolymers; polyvinyl acetate; nitrocellulose; polyamide). The innovation and originality of the project lies in the targeted objects (wood and canvas), never treated before, and especially in the use of enzymes (lipases, esterases, depolymerases, amidases, cutinases, halogenases, lignin-modifying and hydrocarbons degrading enzymes) extracted from microorganisms degrading synthetic polymers. The enzymatic approaches should remove the synthetic polymers without interfering with or destroying the fragile surfaces. Moreover, other aspects will be investigated: isolation of synthetic polymers degrading microorganisms, the microbial communities present on objects treated with the target synthetic polymers, genome analysis of the most promising microorganisms degrading synthetic polymers, proteomics analysis of enzymatic extracts, chemical analysis of the compounds produced during polymers’ degradation. The developed knowledge and tools will immediately help restorers and conservators, which are involved in the project (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava; partner of the project) and other operators belonged to other art and cultural institutions.

Covid-19 and long covid at the molecular level - biomarkers, tools and targets for diagnosis and therapy

Covid-19 a dlhý covid na molekulárnej úrovni - biomarkery, nástroje a ciele pre diagnostiku a terapiu

Duration: 1.9.2023 - 31.8.2027
Project leader: Mgr. Leksa Vladimír PhD.
Annotation:The goal of the project is to characterize lactoferrin as a potential complementary medicine in both acute and chronic covid-19 disease. The project started in September 2023 with the entry of Mgr. Patrika Babulic for doctoral studies.

Deciphering ancestral sequences of heme catalases for inferring their evolution mainly in emerging pathogens and selecting unique candidates for synthetic biology.

Dešifrovanie ancestrálnych sekvencií hémových kataláz pre rekonštrukciu ich evolúcie najmä v patogénoch a výber jedinečných kandidátov pre syntetickú biológiu.

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Zámocký Marcel DrSc.

The double-edged sword of the plasminogen system: From homeostasis maintenance to COVID-19

Dvojsečný meč plazminogénového systému: Od udržiavania homeostázy po COVID-19

Duration: 1.8.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Leksa Vladimír PhD.
Annotation:The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world. In addition to emerging vaccines, there is an urgent need for specific therapeutics that would block the SARS-CoV-2 spreading. Proteases responsible for the priming of SARS-CoV-2, and consequently for its higher virulence, appear as a rational therapeutic target for the clearance of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Accordingly, selective inhibitors of those proteases represent potential tools for prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Plasminogen activation system is well characterized for its functions in fibrinolysis and cell migration; however, it might also be misused for the virus priming. Thus, plasmin is a doubleedged sword. On one hand, it is essential for a plethora physiological processes; on the other hand, it might be involved in pathogenesis. The ultimate objective of the project is to study in detail both sides of the plasminogen system reflected in health and disease, respectively. First, the project will focus on unravelling molecular pathways whereby Plg system plays in homeostasis maintenance, namely in efferocytosis – i.e. a removal of apoptotic cells. Second, the project aims to provide novel natural inhibitors for pharmacological modulation of the SARS-CoV-2 host cell entry via the blockade of proteolytic priming of virus. The project proposal emanates from our long-term continual research in the field of the plasminogen system, and solid preliminary data. Project achievements will be of high interest for scientists in basic research, but also for medical doctors and pharmacological companies. Our goals are not exclusive; there is a substantial integration at the level of underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms; likewise, there is one between health and disease.

Fungal Hybrid Heme Peroxidases from Primeval Forest with Application in Environmental Biotechnologies

Hybridné hémové peroxidázy húb z pralesa s využitím v environmentálnych biotechnológiách

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Zámocký Marcel DrSc.
Annotation:Hybrid heme peroxidases (EC are newly discovered specific oxidoreductases capable of cleaving reactive peroxide bonds in inorganic as well as organic compounds. Concomitantly to this cleavage they oxidize mainly organic compounds forming radical products that can enter polymerization reactions. Over 260 complete sequences from various regions of whole genome DNA were discovered. After their RNA splicing and translation in corresponding protein sequences they exhibit a high level of conservation. So far they were discovered solely in the kingdom of fungi. According to their typical essential sequence patterns responsible for heme binding they all belong to the large peroxidase-catalase superfamily couting currently over 41000 representatives from prokaryotes and eukaryotes. With their catalytic activity hybrid peroxidases represent efficient extracellular enzymatic antioxidants with broad application in defence against toxic effects of the oxidative stress. Recently, their expression and function was described in phytopathogenic fungi. The objective of our proposed project is the discovery of complete DNA gene clusters, corresponding mRNA transcripts and translated secreted isozymes of hybrid heme peroxidases among non-pathogenic fungi isolated from unique primeval forest biotopes of Slovakia. Our goal is to obtain a stable level of expression for selected recombinant hybrid peroxidases with highest level of catalytic efficiency typical for this subfamily. We aim to purify sufficient amounts of this unique enzymatic antioxidants to allow the resolution of 3D structure from produced protein crystals. This shall lead to the explanation of their peculiar reactivity on the base of structure-function relationships in the conserved catalytic centre. No such crystal structure for any hybrid peroxidases is known yet so its availability for unique peroxidases from primeval forest biotopes will allow great future applications in green biotechnologies.

Characterization of the unique biosynthesis and regulation of the polyketide antibiotic auricin in Streptomyces lavendulae subsp. lavendulae CCM3239

Charakterizácia unikátnej biosyntézy a regulácie polyketidového antibiotika auricínu v Streptomyces lavendulae subsp. lavendulae CCM3239

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kormanec Ján DrSc.
Annotation:Streptomycetes are dominant producers of antibiotics. In Streptomyces lavendulae, we found a biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) aur1 responsible for the production of the antibiotic auricin. This BGC was homologous to the BGCs for the polyketide angucycline antibiotics, so auricin should be an angucycline. Auricin is produced in a narrow growth interval and its production is subject to complex regulation. The structure of auricin revealed its elusive properties that distinguished it from known angucyclines. It contains a unique spiroketal pyranonaphthoquinone aglycon modified with D-forosamine. Next to BGC aur1, there is another BGC aur2 containing genes similar to pyranonaphthoquinone biosynthetic genes. Its deletion affected auricin production, suggesting its role in its biosynthesis. This suggests a unique and as yet undescribed mechanism of auricin biosynthesis via two pathways, for angucyclines and pyranonaphthoquinones. The study of this biosynthesis will be one of the goals of the presented project.

Identification of new treatment options in refractory testicular germ cell tumors

Identification of new treatment options in refractory testicular germ cell tumors

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Kľučár Ľuboš PhD.
Annotation:Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are the most common tumors in young males with increasing incidence in Slovakia and resemble the clinical and biological characteristics of a model for the cure of cancer. Nonetheless, a small proportion of patients does not have a durable complete remission with initial cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Only 20–40% of them can be cured with the use of platinum-containing standard-dose or high-dose salvage chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation. Patients who fail to be cured after second-line salvage therapy have an extremely poor prognosis and long-term survival had been documented in <5%. Numerous new treatment regimens, including targeted and biological therapies, have been evaluated in patients with refractory TGCT, however, with very limited efficacy. The aim of this project is to identify new therapeutic targets in chemorefractory disease using high-throughput methods of molecular biology through translational research and to identify new drugs that overcomes cisplatin resistance.

G-quadruplex DNA for Genetic Engineering in Bacteria

Implementácia G4 DNA do genetického inžinierstva baktérii.

Duration: 1.11.2023 - 31.10.2028
Program: IMPULZ
Project leader: Mgr. Jamroškovič Ján PhD.
Annotation:Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary and rapidly evolving field that studies the biological functions of naturally occurring phenomena and applies this knowledge in genetic engineering. The main task of the field is to engineer microorganisms with specific properties in order to synthesize various products, to increase sustainability in a bio-based economy, and to provide solutions to environmental challenges. These methods combine cascades of genes into genetic circuits, which provide the microorganisms with novel functions. The current challenge in synthetic biology is how to increase the complexity of regulatory regions in short DNA fragments. Alternative DNA structures that act as genetic regulators can meet this need, and one type of such structures are the four-stranded DNA complexes called G-quadruplexes (G4s). The main goal of the proposed project is to implement G4s as novel regulators in genetic circuits in bacteria and to combine these with other DNA-based regulators. To achieve this, I will study G4s to understand their biology, maintenance, and effects on basic cellular processes, such is replication and gene transcription. There is a substantial knowledge gap regarding the presence and function of G4s in bacteria, but studies in eukaryotic model systems provide strong evidence regarding their folding and biological functions during gene transcription. Therefore, I believe that the incorporation of G4s into genetic engineering methods will increase the tunability and versatility of the regulation of synthetic bacterial gene networks. My strategy is to use the Gram-positive spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis as a model system. B. subtilis is an industrially important bacterium and is considered a universal cell factory for industry, agriculture, biomaterials, and medicine and has been used as a model system for studies of basic cell processes for more than 60 years. Therefore, any positive outcomes of this project will be directly transferable to existing biotechnologies.

Interaction of Mmi1/TCTP protein with mitochondria

Interakcia proteínu Mmi1/TCTP s mitochondriami

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Pevala Vladimír PhD.
Annotation:Mmi1 (Mitochondria and microtubule interacting protein) is a yeast ortholog of human translationally-controlled tumor protein (TCTP) that is a conserved and highly expressed protein in mitotically active cells and cancer cells. It influences key biological processes and, importantly, it has been suggested as a target for cancer therapy. Nevertheless, despite its great potential in human medicine TCTP still remains an enigmatic protein, because not all its roles in cell are fully understood or even known. The results indicate that yeast ortholog Mmi1 protein serves as a stress sensor that can relocalize from cytosol to mitochondria. Mitochondria are essential organelles that dominate life-and-death decision processes in the cell and Mmi1 likely inhibits cell death (apoptosis) upon binding to mitochondria. However, the mechanism of Mmi1 binding to mitochondria as well as its exact effect(s) on mitochondria are very little understood. Here, we will use a model organism yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human cells to study Mmi1/TCTP binding and interaction with mitochondria. The obtained results will extend our knowledge of Mmi1 interaction with mitochondria and also help us to better understand strong anti-apoptotic activity of TCTP in human cells that is a critical factor for, e.g. cancer growth and spreading.

Clonal and immune interactions in high-grade transformation of B-cell lymphomas

Klonálne a imunitné interakcie pri high-grade transformácii B-bunkových lymfómov

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Kľučár Ľuboš PhD.
Annotation:B cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (B-NHLs) encompass a diverse spectrum of lymphoproliferative malignancies, where various subtypes are associated with different stages of B cell differentiation, each reflecting a distinct stage-specific phenotype characterized by specific molecular markers and a unique gene expression profile. The transformation of indolent lymphomas to aggressive disease, primarily diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, typically leads to a rapidly advancing clinical course and shorter survival times. The primary objective of this proposal is to characterize intra- and inter-lymphoma heterogeneity of stage-specific B-cell trajectories at a single-cell level by assessing clonal and molecular/signaling aberrations in indolent lymphomas that clinically progress to high-grade disease. Furthermore, to gain a deeper understanding of clinical immune dysfunction, which significantly influences clinical presentation and disease aggressiveness, we aim to evaluate adaptive and innate immune modulations and functional dysfunctions within the lymphoma microenvironment. Identification of the molecular and immune mechanisms linked to high-grade transformation will deepen our understanding of the pathobiology of B cell lymphomas and enable the discovery of new biomarkers

Lactoferricin from the mammalian milk as a potential ally in fight against Covid-19.

Lactoferricin from the mammalian milk as a potential ally in fight against Covid-19

Duration: 1.1.2025 - 31.12.2025
Program: DoktoGrant
Project leader: Mgr. Babulic Patrik
Annotation:Covid-19 continues to pose a worldwide threat, mainly to high-risk group patients in our society. However, we still lack the easily available treatment. The spike protein located on the membrane of the SARS-CoV-2 virion uses ACE2 as an entry gateway into the host's cells. Human lactoferrin, a glycoprotein commonly found in breast milk, can block virion entrance into the cells thanks to direct interaction with Spike protein as indicated by our previous results. Here, we aim to explore the differences between human and several animal lactoferrins in Spike binding capabilities. We will seek to identify the important amino acid regions within the whole protein sequence, firstly by in silico means and later followed by in vitro experiments. This approach can accelerate the design of suitable pharmacological peptides which could be used as a potent supplementary tool, which we lack, in the fight with disease of Covid-19.

Lactoferrin and Lactoferricin as Inhibitors of Serine Proteases: From Byte to Bench to Bedside

Laktoferín a laktofericín ako inhibítory serínových proteáz: Z počítača cez laboratórium k pacientom

Duration: 1.1.2025 - 31.12.2028
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Leksa Vladimír PhD.
Annotation:Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein present in human exocrine fluids, particularly breast milk. It is also released from neutrophil granules. Lactoferrin plays multifaceted roles in host defense. Biological activities of lactoferrin are greatly determined by its highly basic N-terminus. Proteolytic cleavage of lactoferrin in the digestive tract generates the bioactive peptide, lactoferricin, which is from this N-terminus. Lactoferricin shares some of the properties of lactoferrin, but also exhibits unique characteristics and functions. We have previously found that lactoferricin might inhibit the activity of the serine protease plasminogen. Recently, we have advanced this finding by showing that lactoferricin might inhibit also other serine proteases homologous to plasminogen. The proposed project aims to reveal the structural determinants of this functional interaction and to propose its therapeutic applications in disorders accompanied with unwanted activity of serine proteases.

Modern bacteriophage applications in the prevention of nosocomial and alimentary infections

Moderné aplikácie bakteriofágov v prevencii nozokomiálnych a alimentárnych infekcií

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Bukovská Gabriela CSc.
Annotation:Bacterial antibiotics resistance represents one of the most important problems of modern medicine and it causes many human illnesses and deaths. One of the possible amelioration of the antibiotic crisis is the application of bacteriophages as natural bacterial parasites. Moreover, bacteriophages can also be used to protect food from bacterial contamination. Endolysins, proteins capable of lysing bacterial cells at the end of the phage replication cycle, represent another method suitable for combating resistant pathogens. Therefore, the main aim of the presented project is to expand knowledge on the application of bacteriophages and phage endolysins as suitable method in the prevention of bacterial diseases and food protection. A collection of bacteriophages infecting E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Cronobacter, Enterobacter and Enterococcus already prepared by research groups will be the starting point of the project. Within the framework of this project the properties of bacteriophages (lytic ability, host spectrum, anti-biofilm activity, stability, presence of undesirable genes) will be deeply characterized. Recombinant endolysins from prophages of Listeria, Streptococcus and Enterococcus will be also prepared and their antibacterial abilities will be assessed. As the main goal of the project, recombinant bacteriophages infecting E. coli and Cronobacter strains, possessing a broadened host spectrum and an improved lytic ability will be prepared. The efficiency of the phage preparations and endolysins will be verified in vitro. This will establish an important basis for the introduction of affordable and safe phage therapy for patients in Slovakia as well as for the phage application in environmental sanitation and food protection.


Molekulárne mechanizmy fibrotických a zápalových procesov difúznych parenchýmových pľúcnych chorôb - analýzy definovaných markerov v bronchoalveolárnych lavážach a ich význam v klinickej praxi

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Leksa Vladimír PhD.

Molecular mechanism of measuring device for finding the proper site of bacterial asymmetric cell division

Molekulárny mechanizmus meracieho zariadenia na nájdenie správneho miesta bakteriálneho asymetrického bunkového delenia

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Barák Imrich DrSc.
Annotation:The capacity of bacterial spores to lie dormant and then germinate presents threats as well as potential benefits to human health and welfare. Many sporulating bacteria genera Bacilli and Clostridia, such as Bacillus cereus, B. anthracis, Clostridium difficile, C. botulinum, C. tetani, C. perfirngens cause serious infectious diseases. In contrast, the durability of spores has seen their development for use as probiotics in the food industry, and the temperature resistance of Bacillus subtilis spores and their capacity to resist desiccation is leading to the development of spores as delivery systems for vaccines. This is also a reason why this organism is used for decades to study the mechanisms of cell division and especially the differentiation process, called sporulation. In this project, we aim mainly to understand at the molecular level how bacteria can measure their length and find the proper site of septation with high precision. Specifically, we are concentrating on asymmetrically positioned sporulation septum formation in Bacillus subtilis. Understanding this mechanism is among one the most fascinating questions in bacterial developmental biology. The expected knowledge is mainly important from point of view of basic research. Nevertheless, the knowledge of protein’s function inhibition, involved in cell division and sporulation, can help to design new antibacterial drugs, especially against multidrug resistance endospore-forming pathogenic bacteria.

Cancer immunoediting in multiple myeloma: immune checkpoints and clinical significance

Nádorové imunoeditovanie v mnohopočetnom myelóme: imunitné kontrolné body a klinický význam

Duration: 1.8.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Kľučár Ľuboš PhD.
Annotation:The understanding of cancer immunoediting, immune defense mechanisms against cancer, has been challenging in multiple myeloma (MM). A hallmark of the myeloma microenvironment is profound immune dysregulation and loss of immune surveillance. The overall objective is to characterize immunoediting in MM using cellular and molecular approaches. We will focus on understanding the complex innate and adaptive immune systems during the development of MM: from premalignant conditions MGUS and smoldering MM to symptomatic MM. We will define diverse immune checkpoint mechanisms and their biological sequelae on tumor promoting/suppressing immune subsets within the tumor microenvironment together with MM cells as well as blockage role of novel immune checkpoint inhibitors in ex vivo. Moreover, we will define the impact of anti -MM therapies on modulation of MM immunoediting in a homogeneously treated cohort of MM patients, allowing us to evaluate the impact of suppressed immune system on emergence of resistant tumor clones; and vice versa. MM immunoediting of primary patient samples together with immune checkpoint mechanisms, including regulatory co-stimulation/tumor antigen/checkpoint molecules and signaling pathways, will be evaluated using mass cytometry. These studies will identify mechanisms and biologic sequelae of immunoediting in MM, and provide for rational design of targeted and immune therapy in MM.

New insight into biochemical and functional properties of the major antibacterial components of honey

Nový pohľad na biochemické a funkčné vlastnosti hlavných antibakteriálnych zložiek medu

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Majtán Juraj DrSc., MBA, FIFST
Annotation:Honey has long been used as a natural remedy in wound care management. Because of the global emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the interest in honey as a medical substance in the treatment of infected/non-healing wounds is rapidly increasing. Although, honey displays well-documented in vitro antimicrobial activities even against multi-drug-resistant bacteria, the mechanisms of antibacterial action of honey and its individual antibacterial compounds in clinical conditions are still not fully understood. We hypothesize that infected wound is not a hostile environment for honey major antibacterial components, such as bee-derived glucose oxidase (GOX) enzyme and methylglyoxal, a major antibacterial factor of non-peroxide manuka honey which serves as a base for medical grade honey. The project MEDIHONEY aims to dissect the antibacterial action of honey at the biochemical level and focuses on important but neglected aspects of antibacterial efficacy of different honey types in wound-like environments, elucidating the role of major honey antibacterial compounds in such environments. In this project, we will thoroughly assess the biochemical features and structure of GOX, an enzyme responsible for generating hydrogen peroxide in diluted honey, which allows its further usage in medicinal and biotechnological applications. A synthetic wound care product based on purified bee GOX and pro-oxidative polyphenols will be developed and tested in the project. Finally, the project will address the potential of honey to eliminate intracellularly localised Staphylococcus aureus in human keratinocytes, which may open up new avenues to use honey in the treatment of other topical disorders of the skin associated with bacterial infections (e.g. atopic dermatitis).

Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): investigation of potential biodegradation strategies

Odstraňovanie per- a polyfluóralkylových látok (PFAS): skúmanie potenciálnych stratégií biodegradácie

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 31.12.2025
Program: PostdokGrant
Project leader: MSc. Pavlović Jelena PhD.
Annotation:Since the 1950s, significant quantities of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly referred to as "forever chemicals," have been released into the environment, leading to substantial contamination of soil, surface water, and groundwater sources. Exposure to PFAS occurs regularly for humans, animals, and the environment through various channels, including food, water, consumer products, and waste streams from manufacturing industries. PFAS encompass a broad category of synthetic organic fluorinated compounds with diverse chemical structures. Their persistent nature, toxicity to living organisms, propensity for bioaccumulation, and negative impacts on health and ecosystems have resulted in their classification as a "top priority pollutant" by regulatory authorities. While several physicochemical methods exist for treating PFAS, they encounter significant challenges such as high costs, energy-intensive processes, and incomplete mineralization (failure to break the C\F bond). As a result, there is a growing interest in microbial degradation and enzymatic treatment of PFAS as they present a more comprehensive, cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly alternative. In this project, I would like to evaluate the PFAS degradation exploiting microorganisms and their enzymatic abilities. The microorganisms will be isolated from industrial (characterized by high concentrations of PFAS) and municipal wastewater treatment plants. The main aim of the project is the combination of microbiological (cultivation and selection of microorganisms) and molecular (highthroughput sequencing) methods in order to increase the knowledge on the biodegradation of PFAS and consequently to allow the development of approaches directed to their biodegradation / bioremediation.

Preparation of mutant lytic and replication proteins of bacteriophages and their antibacterial potential

Príprava mutantných lytických a replikačných proteínov bakteriofágov a ich antibakteriálny potenciál.

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Bukovská Gabriela CSc.
Annotation:The project follows the study of bacteriophages and their lytic and replication proteins. The main goal of the project is the preparation of proteins with a new specificity, increased catalytic and inhibitory activity against bacteria and verification of their antibacterial potential against pathogens. New hybrid proteins will be prepared by combination of catalytic and binding domains of characterized five endolysins. Increase in lytic activity and change of the specificity of the endolysins will be achieved by site-directed mutagenesis in the active site in the catalytic domains of muramidases, glycosylhydrolases and endopeptidase. We will also prepare the helicase mutants using directed mutagenesis. By modeling the properties of helicase, we will obtain new knowledge about the replication and replication mechanism of phage DNA, and about the interactions of phage and bacterial proteins, or inhibitors that are responsible for shutting down the replication mechanism and life processes of the bacterial host.

Tree and country - influence of trees on diversity of soil microorganisms in agricultural land

Strom a krajina – vplyv drevín na diverzitu pôdnych mikroorganizmov v poľnohospodárskej krajine

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Zámocký Marcel DrSc.

AI and Bioinformatics-Based Stain Identification System for Historic Paper Conservation and Restoration

Systém na identifikáciu škvŕn na historickom papieri založený na umelej inteligencii a bioinformatike pre konzervovanie a restaurovanie

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Dr. Pangallo Domenico DrSc.

The stipend for a scientist threatened by the war in Ukraine č. 09I03-03-V01-00113

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine č. 09I03-03-V01-00113

Duration: 1.11.2022 - 31.10.2025
Project leader: RNDr. Moskalets Tetiana PhD.
Annotation:The major goals of the project are 1) the research on the milk glycoprotein lactoferrin as a potential drug for covid-19 disease and 2) the development of diagnostic tools for the so-called long covid (persistent covid). Specific objectives will include biochemical analyses, such as purification, preparation and characterization of peptides, proteins and other molecules, crystallographic studies, but also cellular models and functional assays.

Feasibility study for the microbiological degradation of poly- and perfluoroalkyl (PFAS) PFAS_Free

Štúdia uskutočniteľnosti mikrobiologickej degradácie poly- a perfluóralkylu (PFAS)

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Puškárová Andrea PhD.
Annotation:Since the 1950s, significant quantities of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly referred to as "forever chemicals," have been released into the environment, leading to substantial contamination of soil, surface water, and groundwater sources. Exposure to PFAS occurs regularly for humans, animals, and the environment through various channels, including food, water, consumer products, and waste streams from manufacturing industries. PFAS encompass a broad category of synthetic organic fluorinated compounds with diverse chemical structures. Their persistent nature, toxicity to living organisms, propensity for bioaccumulation, and negative impacts on health and ecosystems have resulted in their classification as a "top priority pollutant" by regulatory authorities. While several physicochemical methods exist for treating PFAS, they encounter significant challenges such as high costs, energy-intensive processes, and incomplete mineralization (failure to break the C\F bond). As a result, there is a growing interest in microbial degradation and enzymatic treatment of PFAS as they present a more comprehensive, cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly alternative. In this project, we would like to develop PFAS biodegradation strategies by exploiting microorganisms and their enzymatic abilities. The microorganisms will be isolated from an industrial wastewater treatment plant with high concentrations of PFAS. The combination of microbiological (cultivation and selection of microorganisms), molecular (high-throughput sequencing) and chemical [chromatography, spectrophotometry (ICP-MS, IC, LC-HRMS and NMR) and computational analysis] methods will increase the knowledge on the biodegradation mechanisms of PFAS and consequently allow the development of approaches aimed at their biodegradation / bioremediation.

Study and characterization of Clostridioides difficile Min proteins.

Štúdium a charakterizácia Min proteínov z Clostridioides difficile.

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Labajová Naďa PhD.
Annotation:Proposed project is focused on the study of self-organization capability and mechanisms involved in functioning of Min system proteins from Clostridioides difficile. C. difficile is a widely distributed human pathogenic bacterium. Especially after antibiotic treatment, it can dominate over normal gut microbiota and produce toxins, which cause severe diarrhoea, colon inflammation or even death to patients. The Min system is a well-conserved protein complex, which regulates positioning of the cell division septum in rod-shaped bacteria. It acts as a negative regulator of cell division, which blocks division septum formation at unwanted positions. C. difficile Min protein complex involves homologues from gram-positive, as well as gram-negative bacteria, and thus represents a unique, so far not described Min system. Understanding the mechanisms involved in C. difficile cell division regulation is of high importance and can lead to development of more targeted and effective drugs against C. difficile infections.

Study of structure-function relationships of amylolytic enzymes of the alpha-amylase clan GH-H and related families GH57 and GH119.

Štúdium štruktúrno-funkčných vzťahov amylolytických enzýmov alfa-amylázového klanu GH-H a príbuzných rodín GH57 a GH119.

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Mareček Filip PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on the study of the relationship between structure and function of amylolytic enzymes of the alpha-amylase clan GH-H and related families GH57 and GH119. Amylolytic enzymes are active toward glucosidic bonds in starch and related alpha-glucans. These enzymes belong to the glycoside hydrolase (GH) family and are part of the CAZy database, which classifies carbohydrate-active enzymes into families according to similarities in their amino acid sequences. In particular, the GH13 and GH77 families belonging to the GH-H clan and alpha-amylase families GH57 and GH119, are the center of interest. The main objective of the project is for selected amylolytic enzymes, through their production as recombinant proteins and their biochemical characterization, to contribute to the understanding of the biological processes in which are involved. The results will provide insights that can be used in the design of amylolytic enzymes, e.g. to produce enzymes with altered activity and substrate preference.

Study of the effect of cardiac arrhythmia-associated mutations on the structure and function in the clamp region of human ryanodine receptor 2

Štúdium vplyvu mutácií asociovaných so srdcovými arytmiami v svorkovej oblasti ľudského ryanodínového receptora 2

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Bauerová Vladena PhD.
Annotation:The human ryanodine receptor 2 (hRyR2) is a calcium channel whose main function is the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytoplasm, which is necessary for regular cardiac activity. An important regulatory region of hRyR2 is the clamp region, which includes the Repeat12 domain. To date, 14 mutations in Repeat12 have been associated with various diseases, predominantly arrhythmias (cardiomyopathies, CPVT1, SCV TdP, and SIDS). These diseases reduce the quality of life and are often fatal. The project aims to study selected mutations associated with arrhythmias in the Repeat12 domain using both in vitro and in silico approaches. A secondary aim of the project is to better understand Repeat12 as a metabolic sensor. The results obtained should significantly contribute to the characterization of these mutations at the biochemical, biophysical and structural levels and will help to understand the processes by which the hRyR2 opening and closing changes in these pathological conditions.

The effect of pathologic mutations and post-translational modifications on the functions of mitochondrial processing peptidase essential for transport to mitochondria

Účinok patologických mutácií a posttranslačných modifikácií na funkcie mitochondriálnej procesujúcej peptidázy nevyhnutnej pre transport do mitochondrií

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2028
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Kutejová Eva DrSc.
Annotation:Mitochondria are semi-autonomous organelles whose proper function depends on two sets of proteins. The smaller set is synthesized directly inside the mitochondria, while the larger set is synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes. Cytosolically synthesized proteins have a presequence on their N-terminus that ensures their import into mitochondria. This presequence must be removed after import to allow the proper folding and assembly of the proteins into functional protein complexes. In the mitochondria, the presequences are removed by several processing peptidases, whose proper functioning is essential for mitochondrial homeostasis; disruption of any of them is lethal in yeast and severely impacts lifespan and survival in humans. The most important of these peptidases is the mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP), which is responsible for the first processing of the presequence. In humans, it is coded by the two PMPC genes (PMPCA and PMPCB) and mutations in these genes have been found in patients with non progressive or slow progressive cerebellar ataxia, with cerebellar atrophy and striatum changes found in severe cases. Posttranslational modification of both MPP subunits could also has great impact on this crucial component of mitochondrial homeostasis and has been found in several cancer cell lines. The proposed project undertakes to study the effect of two mutations in the PMPCA gene, c.722A>C, p.(Tyr241Ser) and c.751A>G, p.(Met251Val), which were identified in an 8-year-old proband with progressive spastic quadriparesis, delayed psychomotor development and intellectual disability. We plan to characterize the changes induced by these mutations in the biochemical and structural properties of the MPP complex and to use proteomics and transcriptomics to determine which other proteins have their level influenced by them. We would also like to characterize the biochemical and structural properties of the most abundant phosphorylated forms of MPP in cancer cells.

The Role of Human Mitochondrial LON Protease in CODAS Syndrome

Úloha ľudskej mitochondriálnej LON proteázy v prejavoch syndrómu CODAS

Duration: 1.9.2024 - 30.8.2026
Project leader: Mgr. Kunová Nina PhD.
Annotation:CODAS (cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, and skeletal anomalies) syndrome (CODASS) is a rare multisystemic disorder manifested from infancy that comprises a wide spectrum of symptoms. Affected children show developmental delay, craniofacial deformities, cataracts, ptosis, delayed tooth eruption, enamel dysplasia, hearing loss, growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia, scoliosis, and others. To date, only 23 CODASS cases were reported worldwide. CODASS is an autosomal recessively inherited disease caused exclusively by bi-allelic mutations, homozygous or compound heterozygous, in nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial ATP-dependent protease LON. LON is an essential component of mitochondrial proteolysis that acts as a protease, chaperone, and mtDNA-binding protein. The proposed project focuses on a compound heterozygous mutation NM_004793.4: c.2048G>A/p.Gly683Asp and c.2113C>T/p.Arg705Cys in LONP1 in an 8-year-old boy, which is the first case of CODAS syndrome reported in Slovakia and only a third case ever reported in Europe. We plan to describe changes in LON protease caused by these mutations – changes in its stability, structure, biochemical activities, and the overall functioning to better understand the nature of the disorder and its overall impact on mitochondrial protein homeostasis.


Úloha mitochondriálnej proteázy Lon a fosforylácie proteínov mitochondriálneho nukleoidu v homeostáze a udržiavaní mtDNA 2/0069/23

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kutejová Eva DrSc.

Application of natural plants oils and extracts for foodpackaging

Využitie prírodných rastlinných olejov a extraktov pre potravinové obaly

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Dr. Pangallo Domenico DrSc.
Annotation:Natural plant extracts and essential oils contain bioactive compounds that inhibit microbial growth, preventing food spoilage and enhancing safety. These natural compounds were directly incorporated into biodegradable polymers to prevent microbial contamination.

Developing leaf traps of carnivorous sundews: Source of unique hydrolases with a high potential in biotechnology

Vývin listových pascí mäsožravých rastlín rosičky: Zdroj unikátnych hydroláz s možnosťami využitia v biotechnológiách

Duration: 1.9.2024 - 30.6.2028
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Bauerová Vladena PhD.
Annotation:Carnivorousness is a special case of a functional adaptation to allow growth in nutrient-poor soils. Like sundews, carnivorous plants of the Drosera species employ modified leaves (traps) that serve multiple functions, including prey capture, digestion and nutrient absorption, and photosynthesis. The structural and morphological changes in the leaves begin during the early stages of development. Within this project's scope, we aim to investigate the developmental stages of sundew leaves, when the functional trapping organs form and hydrolytic enzymes are produced, using transcriptomics and proteomics. The screening data will be used to generate a list of genes or proteins relevant to development or involved in prey digestion. Subsequently, we will isolate candidate genes related to digestion and assess their organ-specific expression profile, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the energy cost of trap functionality. Based on previous research, in which we established the production of a sufficient amount of purified recombinant proteins – chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase from Drosera binata and Drosera rotundifolia in an Escherichia coli expression system, we will biophysically, biochemically and structurally characterize these enzymes. We will also identify ligands that modulate their activity and stability. In addition, we will evaluate the potential of hydrolytic enzymes from the genus Drosera for biotechnological applications by testing whether the combination of these enzymes affects the growth of selected phytopathogens.

The development of new methods for assessing honey quality

Vývoj nových metodických prístupov na hodnotenie kvality medu

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Majtán Juraj DrSc., MBA, FIFST


Zvýšenie energetickej úspory o 2 stupňe z B na A0a realizácia debarierizačných opatrení prioritne s využitím zariadenívyužívajúcich Obnoviteľne zdroje energii, vrátane zariadení, ktoré sú súčasťou systému zásobovania energiou verejnej budovy SAV-OZE

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 1.7.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Pevala Vladimír PhD.


Zvýšenie energetickej úspory o 2 stupňe z C na A1 a realizácia debarierizačných opatrení vo verejnej budove SAV

Duration: 1.11.2022 - 30.6.2026
Project leader: RNDr. Pevala Vladimír PhD.

The total number of projects: 34