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The list of international projects SAS

Institute of Chemistry

Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture : European Network for sustainability (T0P-AGRI-Network)

Čelom k nulovému používaniu pesticídov v poľnohospodárstve: Európska sieť pre udržateľnosť

Duration: 19.9.2022 - 18.9.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Labancová Eva PhD.
Annotation:Current crop protection in EU agriculture is heavily reliant on chemical pesticides to suppress weeds, pests and pathogens. In view of the serious health and environmental consequences, European public authorities, consumers, and society at large are demanding drastically reduced use of chemical pesticides, in the context of a production of safe, high-quality and affordable food. Furthermore, farmers are calling for research and innovation solutions to protect crops with non-chemical means while maintaining a viable farm economy. A change of direction and paradigm is needed to foster this transition, emphasizing preventive crop protection based on agroecological practices that to prevent pest outbreaks and infestations. The proposed Cost Action T0P-AGRI-Network targets the transition “Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture”, aiming at preparing the future of an agriculture free of synthetic pesticides and of nature-derived pesticides that negatively impact environment and human health. T0P-AGRI-Network tackles this challenge by create and organize a wide research community with the aim to form a European leading network with high and transdisciplinary expertise around the common objective of pesticide-free agriculture, with a particular focus on young scientists. To enable a redesign of the food system as a whole, T0P-AGRI-Network will promote a concerted mobilization of scientists, farmers, processing industries, public authorities and consumers by associating them closely with the activities that will be carried out in the Cost Action.

European metal-organic framework network: combining research and development to promote technological solutions

Európska rámcová sieť kovov a organických látok: spojenie výskumu a vývoja na podporu technologických riešení

Duration: 2.11.2023 - 1.11.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Mičová Júlia PhD.

European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections

Európska sieť pre diagnostiku a liečbu bakteriálnych infekcií rezistentných voči antibiotikám

Duration: 6.10.2022 - 5.10.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Farkaš Pavol PhD.

European Network In CHEmical Ecology: translating the language of life into sustainability

Európska sieť v chemickej ekológii: preklad jazyka života do udržateľnosti

Duration: 6.10.2023 - 5.10.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Mastihuba Vladimír PhD.
Annotation:E-NICHE will help unify the different branches of chemical ecology (CE) by bringing together researchers who study natural compounds that can act as semiochemicals (i.e., communication signals). At present, collaborations among these researchers are limited because CE is an extremely fragmented field. E-NICHE will foster partnerships between (a) scientists studying aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; (b) natural products chemists, biochemists, and ecologists; (c) vertebrate biologists and entomologists; (d) plant and animal biologists; (e) zoologists and molecular biologists; and (f) neurobiologists and microbiologists. Their interactions will generate original ideas and perspectives while simultaneously meeting societal needs, a challenge that involves the creation of new chemical formulations, novel molecules, and innovative applications for natural compounds. This work will be nourished by a deeper understanding of the living world through the lens of chemical mediation, the main system of biological communication. It will also aim to prevent the loss of the chemical biodiversity found in nature, under threat because of global changes. Consequently, E-NICHE’s overarching objective is to establish a strong, extended European CE network that catalyses international, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral exchanges with a view to building knowledge and intergenerational sustainable development solutions. Via the new network created by E-NICHE, researchers will broaden their breadth of knowledge, define new research directions, and transform their discoveries into pioneering solutions.

A Comprehensive Network Against Brain Cancer

Komplexná sieť proti rakovine mozgu

Duration: 30.10.2023 - 29.10.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Květoň Filip PhD.

Converting molecular profiles of myeloid cells into biomarkers for inflammation and cancer (Mye-InfoBank)

Konverzia molekulárnych profilov myeloidných buniek na biomarkery zápalu a rakoviny (Mye-InfoBank)

Duration: 6.10.2021 - 5.10.2025
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Katrlík Jaroslav PhD.

Medicinal plants for animal health care: Translating tradition into modern veterinary medicine.

Liečivé rastliny pre starostlivosť o zdravie zvierat: Premena tradície do modernej veterinárnej medicíny

Duration: 12.10.2023 - 11.10.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Kremnický Ľubomír PhD.
Annotation:Identify and fill knowledge gaps regarding the use of medicinal plants for companion and farm animals. MedPlants4Vet will create an inventory on historical, ethnoveterinary, pharmacological, clinical and recent and past regulatory data and prepare the basis to decide future regulatory procedures on herbal veterinary medicinal products in Europe.

Waste biorefinery technologies for accelerating sustainable energy processes

Odpadové biorafinérne technológie na urýchlenie udržateľných energetických procesov

Duration: 27.10.2021 - 26.10.2025
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Haluz Peter PhD.

Study of extracellular vesicles glycosylation in diabetes by advanced analytical approaches for thebetter diagnosis and treatment

Štúdium glykozylácie extracelulárnych vezikúl pri diabete pokrocilými analytickými prístupmi pre lepšiu diagnostiku a liečbu

Duration: 1.4.2024 - 31.12.2025
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: Ing. Katrlík Jaroslav PhD.

Sustainable Network for agrofood loss and waste prevention, management, quantification and valorisation

Trvalo udržateľná sieť pre straty v agropotravinárske a predchádzanie vzniku odpadu, riadenie, kvantifikáciu a zhodnocovanie

Duration: 21.9.2023 - 20.9.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Košťálová Zuzana PhD.

Sustainable use of salt-affected lands

Trvalo udržateľné využívanie pôdy ovplyvnenej soľou

Duration: 3.10.2023 - 2.10.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Vivodová Zuzana PhD.

Effective elimination of drug residues in water using photocatalytic degradation

Účinná eliminácia zvyškov liečiva vo vode pomocou fotokatalytickej degradácie

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2025
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Ing. Mičová Júlia PhD.
Annotation:The project proposes the possibility of eliminating drug residues from wastewater through photodegradation with the action of nanophotocatalysts. The idea of the project is preparation of original hybrid nanostructures of zinc oxide as photocatalysts, applicable in visible light. Hybrid oxides will be prepared by the method of hydrothermal growth at Institute of Chemistry SAS. The nucleation centers will be p-type and the shell will be n-type semiconductors. Nanoparticles will be treated with plasma and structurally characterized by advanced methods of structural analysis (SEM, PL, EPR and XPS) at the Institute of Physics CAS. With the help of plasma, we will influence the properties of the surface, such as adsorption of molecules, surface electronic states and defects, charge, electrokinetic potential, etc. The aim of the project is to elucidate the influence of surface conditions, lighting, magnetic field and environment on photocatalytic effects in newly prepared nanocomposites, including photogenerated electron-hole effects, spin-polarized band structures and charge transfer in heterostructures. The photodegradation process will be studied at the Institute for Light and Matter in Lyon (Institut Lumière Matière) using advanced characterization methods. In particular, photoconductivity measurements will be performed using time-resolved microwave conductivity setups. In this way, it is possible to measure the lifetime of the charge carriers and thus also the ability of photocatalysts to separate and transport charges to their surfaces. They will also perform luminescence measurements under a confocal microscope and the measurement of cathodoluminescence will make it possible to verify the homogeneity of the particles and quantify possible defects. The prepared nanocomposites with the greatest potential of photocatalytic efficiency activated by visible light will be tested for the degradation of freely available drugs in an aqueous environment.

Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture

Využitie prospešných mikroorganizmov asociovaných s koreňmi rastlín za účelom zvýšenia udržateľnosti poľnohospodárstva

Duration: 16.10.2023 - 15.10.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Holeková Kristína PhD.

Development of High Sensitivity and High Resolution Analytical Tools for the Brain Glycans

Vývoj vysokocitlivých analytických nástrojov s vysokým rozlíšením pre analýzu glykánov mozgu

Duration: 1.10.2023 - 30.9.2026
Program: JRP
Project leader: Ing. Tkáč Ján DrSc.

The total number of projects: 14