The list of international projects SAS
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
European Materials Acceleration Center for Energy
European Materials Acceleration Center for Energy
Duration: |
3.10.2023 - 2.10.2027 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Ing. Tatarko Peter PhD. |
Annotation: | Materials have played a decisive role in nearly all rupture technologies in the industrial history of our society. Faced with the current climate, geopolitical and humanitarian crisis, many international and regional entities (political, industrial and scientific alike) recognize the importance of a strong materials innovation ecosystem for driving the clean energy transition. In response, self-driving laboratories (SDL) (a.k.a. MAPs – materials acceleration platforms) are created at institutional, regional and international levels. SDLs integrate combinatorial synthesis, high-throughput characterization, automated analysis and machine learning for fast-track discovery and optimization of advanced materials. While these platforms are proving their effectiveness in producing advanced materials with targeted functionalities and physical properties, a large margin of improvement still exists. Streamlining materials integration into components and to safe and sustainable products is one example challenge in order to enable rupture technology. Another challenge is that of geographical concentration of MAPs that practically excludes a substantial fraction of research labs and tech-companies in Europe from contributing and benefiting from such platforms. Finally, next generation material science researchers need to develop new skills to be able to integrate such systemic and automated approach into their future R&D framework. To this end, EU-MACE will become an ecosystem for accelerated materials development at the user end, gathering researchers and stakeholders with state-of-the-art digital and material competences combined with the market/social pull. Our inclusive & systemic approach will lay the foundation for a future centre of excellence for advanced functional materials to assist transition toward a united and stronger EU. |
Novel high entropy diborodicarbides for ultra-high temperature applications
Nové vysokoentropické borido-karbidy pre vysokoteplotné aplikácie
Novel Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Cpmposites for Application in Harsh Aerospace Environments
Novel Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Cpmposites for Application in Harsh Aerospace Environments
Transforming bioinert to bioactive through surface engineering
Transformácia bioinertného na bioaktívne prostredníctvom povrchového inžinierstva
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
prof. Ing. Galusek Dušan DrSc. |
Annotation: | Cieľom navrhovaného projektu je vyvinúť sklo/keramický implantát s vysokou pevnosťou a bioaktivitou. Na dosiahnutie hlavného cieľa bude potrebné vyriešiť nasledujúce úlohy:
a) modifikácia povrchu implantátu úpravou studenou plazmou s cieľom zabezpečiť dostatočnú adhéziu bioaktívnych povlakov na bioinertný keramický (ZrO2) substrát.
b) príprava viacvrstvových povlakov z bioaktívnej keramiky na báze hydroxyapatitu (HA) a/alebo síranu vápenatého (CaSO4), ktoré pozostávajú z rozpustnej vrchnej vrstvy a z medzivrstvy (medzivrstiev) bioaktívnej keramiky zabezpečujúcej pevnú väzbu so substrátom.
c) príprava povlakov z mezopórovitých bioaktívnych sklenených častíc pripravených pomocou sol-gélu, ktoré sú dopované rôznymi terapeutickými anorganickými iónmi, ktoré by vyvolali bioreakciu okolitého tkaniva.
d) hodnotenie biologickej účinnosti povlakov testovaním in vitro životaschopnosti buniek, bioaktivity a mechanických vlastností (pevnosť priľnavosti, odolnosť proti opotrebovaniu) povlakovaných implantátov.
Development of new joining methods for high entropy ceramics
Vývoj nových metód spájania vysoko-entropických keramických materiálov
Duration: |
1.7.2022 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Bilateral - other |
Project leader: |
Ing. Tatarko Peter PhD. |
Annotation: | The main aim of the proposed project is to develop new joining techniques for high entropy ceramics (HEC) in order to improve the operational limits of the joints for aerospace applications. The project proposes an innovative way of manufacturing of HEC joints with potentially improved high temperature properties, using a direct solid-state diffusion bonding (without an interlayer) or diffusion bonding with refractory metal interlayers. For the first time, refractory high entropy alloys (HEA) will be used as the joining interlayers between a pair of HEC, or as the interlayer for joining of HEC to ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). The project aims to generate new fundamental knowledge on the understanding of the effect of electric field and surface preparation on the direct diffusion bonding of HEC, as well as the interfacial physico-chemical phenomena occurring at the HEC/HEA and HEA/CMCs interfaces. The mechanical performance of the joints at room and high temperatures will be investigated to define the operational limits of the joints. The project will provide a comprehensive insight on the joining of high entropy ceramics for potential aerospace applications. This may significantly expand the application potential of the recently developed next generation ultra-high temperature ceramics, i.e. high entropy ceramics. |
The total number of projects: 5