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Volume 32, 2000, No. 2, pp. 137-224

Sociálna mobilita: pojmy, teórie, hypotézy

Ján Sopóci
Katedra sociológie FF UK, Bratislava

Social Mobility: Concepts, Theories and Hypotheses. The paper is devoted to a short review of more than 70 years continuous sociological research on social mobility. Author recapitulates and evaluates primary the theoretical contributions of well-known social mobility researchers in the history of sociology: P. Sorokin, S. Lipset, R. Bendix, H. Zetterberg, P. Blau, O. Duncan, J. Goldthorpe, D. Featherman, R. Hauser etc. This recapitulation shows that sociological research on social mobility is a better example of the cumulative nature of sociological knowledge than sociological research on social stratification. Concepts and theories dating from the work of Sorokin at the beginning of the twentieth century had been progressively developed in the light of new findings, and in the process, statistical techniques of data analysis had been transformed. For example, the LZ thesis has been superseded by the FJH hypothesis, and basic percentages have been replaced by odds ratios. One of the by-products of successive conceptual, theoretical and methodological refinements had been an increase in complexity that defies neat and easy generalisation. Further, it seems that social mobility is a topic which encourages highly technical quantification, and which had tended to result in the confirmation of the findings of earlier, less sophisticated studies.

Sociológia 2000 Vol. 32 (No. 2: 139-152)

Občiansky potenciál ako diferencujúci faktor rozvoja sídla

Martin Slosiarik
Katedra sociológie UK, Bratislava

Civic Potential as the Differentiating Factor of the Development of Settlement. The article analyses the problems of the development of settlement conditions in relatively small rural settlement structures. Author identifies one of the crucial factors of the development of settlement and living conditions in the settlements. Author argues that the participation on the decision making and problem solving process of the local problems and the reproduction of appropriate settlement and living conditions of the community requires the existence of certain potential as its energetic source. As the energetic source is being understood the civic potential, which inherently possesses a complex structure that integrates six partial dimensions. Author approaches the study of civic potential as differentiating factor of the development of settlements from a broad referential framework, considering the territorial settlement communities as the complex social systems.

Sociológia 2000 Vol. 32 (No. 2: 153-179)