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OBSAH 1/2003, s. 1-104

CONTENTS 1/2003, No. 1, p. 1-104


Štúdie / Study

Profily a interpretácie / Profiles and Interpretations

Informácie / Information

Recenzie / Reviews


Sociální a kulturní reprodukce společnosti v teoretické perspektivě

Tomáš Katrňák
Katedra sociologie, Brno

Social and Cultural Reproduction in Theoretical Perspective. This article is the review of the theories dealing with the social and the cultural reproduction of society. Firstly the author defines the concept of social reproduction as well as the concept of cultural reproduction and delimits the differences between them. Afterwards he divides the writers, which deal with the social reproduction (Louis Althusser, Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis and Melvin Kohn), and the writers, which deal with the cultural reproduction (Basil Bernstein, Shirley Brice Heath, Paul Willis and Jay MacLeod). Between these two groups of authors is situated Pierre Bourdieu’s argument, which take into consideration both of these types of reproduction. Finally the main body of the article describes the arguments of these writers and compare their weak and strong points.

Sociológia 2003 Vol. 35 (No. 1: 61-76)

Rašomon v skúmaní prípadov

Zuzana Kusá
Sociologický ústav SAV, Bratislava

Rashomon in the case study research. In comparison to other types of research, case studies seem to be more sensitive to the issue of realism. The problem of the truth value sometimes arises independently of researcher’s theoretical perspective: it comes up as the growingly self-conscious request of people under study for having possibility to supervise the representation of their personal experiences.

The term Rashomon has come in use as a tag referring to contradictory witnesses or contradictory versions of some event. It appears in various social science disciplines and domains of social praxis. The paper simulates a transdisciplinary debate of the Rashomon problem. It outlines how various disciplines and authors deal with the puzzle that is presented in Kurosawa film Rashomon and suggests that some approaches and solutions are disciplinary transferable and methodologically inspiring.

The paper draws attention to the three forms of Rashomon effect: the state of field in which contradictory and trustworthy accounts of particular event co-exist, clash of the contradictory researchers’ interpretations that are coherent and grounded in data, and stylistic Rashomon – deliberate presentation of findings suggesting the possibility of multiple realities. The paper also introduces several attempts to explain Rashomon effect that appear in various domains of social praxis (for instance, ascribing force of evidence to hearsays, clash of different human rights, positional equity of experts, issues of personal dignity, etc.).

Sociológia 2003 Vol. 35 (No. 1: 37-60)