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Volume 39 / No. 3 / 2002

Identification of two Trichinella species using cloned RAPD markers

S. K. Semyenova, G. G. Chrisanfova, 1A. M. Asatryan, 2S. O. Movsessian, A. P. Ryskov

Institute of Gene Biology RAS, Moscow 117334, Russia;
1Institute of Zoology NASAm, Yerevan 375014, Armenia;
2Institute of Parasitology RAS, Moscow 117071, Russia; E-mail: dna@biogen.msk.su


The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techni-que was used for analysis of Trichinella spiralis and Tri-chinella pseudospiralis, obtained from experimentally in-fected rats. RAPD fragments were cloned into the pMOS Blue-T vec-tor and a number recombinant clones was produced. DNAs of three recombinant clones were isolated, sequenced and then used as probes in blot hybridization experiments with Hinf I-digested genomic DNA and RAPD fragments of Trichinella species. Here we demonstrate species specifi-city of one cloned RAPD fragment. PCR detection and dif-ferentiation of T. spiralis and T. pseudospiralis DNAs ba-sed on sequence information of the cloned RAPD frag-ments is also shown.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:121-125, 2002

Humoral immune response of rats vaccinated with cDNA or protein form of glutathione-S-transferase of Fasciola hepatica to infection with metacercariae of the fluke

H. Wedrychowicz1,3, P. Szymanski2, L. Jedlina Panasiuk1, K. BIENKOWSKA-Szewczyk2

1W. Stefanski Institute of Parasitology PAS, 00-818 Warszawa, Twarda 51/55;
2Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk, Kładki 24, 80-822 Gdansk;
3Department of Parasitology, Warsaw Agricultural University, Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa, Poland; E-mail:halinwe@twarda.pan.pl 


Groups of rats were injected twice in three weeks interval with 50 m g of GST protein or with 50m g of GST cDNA containing vector . Three weeks after the second injection, all vaccinated rats and a group of non-vaccinated controls were challenged orally with metacercariae of F. hepatica. Post-mortem examination conducted 10 weeks later reveal-ed a reduction of fluke burdens by 54 % in cDNA vac-cinated rats and by 48 % in GST protein vaccinated group. An increased number of eosinophils appeared following in-fection in all experimental groups but, in vaccinated ones, the maximum blood eosinophil number was 5 or 8 times lower. The GST-protein vaccinated group showed clear IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgA responses following vaccina-tion (on the day of challenge). No specific antibodies were found on the day of challenge in rats vaccinated with the cDNA of GST. After challenge, the IgG2b antibody show-ed a statistically significant increase.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:127-133, 2002

Relationship between natural nematode infection and leukocyte subpopulations in the blood of Polish Heath lambs


Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Warsaw Agricultural University, Ciszewskiego 8, 02-876 Warszawa, Poland;
1W. Stefański Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland;
2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw Agricultural University, Grochowska 272, 03-849 Warszawa, Poland


The expression of peripheral blood leukocyte surface mar-kers of the Polish Heath lambs was analysed in relation to natural gastrointestinal nematode infection. The study was carried out on lambs between 3 and 9 months of age. Blood and faecal samples were taken every two months. The proportions of CD4+, CD8+, WC1+, CD19+ lymphocy-tes and MHC class II molecules in peripheral blood were evaluated using flow cytometry. The tendency to increase with time was observed for CD4+, WC1+ and MHC class II molecules. However, the changes were significant for MHC class II only (P Ł 0.01). CD19+ cells fluctuated at the similar level and CD8+ declined. Statistical analysis reveal-ed high and significant repeatability of CD4+, WC1+, CD 19+ lymphocytes and MHC class II molecules and confir-med the stability of these parameters in the flock. The as-sociation between measured parameters supported their ro-le in the immune response against invading parasites as well as the maturation of the immune system in the studied lambs. The authors report for the first time the repeatability and association between these cell markers.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:135-141, 2002

Next remarks to the knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in gravid tapeworm species parasitizing aquatic birds

F. Tenora, V. Barus1, M. Prokes1

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic;
1Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Květná 8, 603 65 Brno, Czech Republic, E-mail:prokes@brno.cas.cz


The parasite-host systems (6 tapeworm species vs. 7 aqua-tic birds species) by atomic absorption spectrometry for heavy metal concentrations were analysed. Gravid tapeworms belonged to three families: Ligulidae (Ligula intestinalis), Hymenolepididae (Confluarie capilla-rioides, Microsomacanthus compressa, Diploposthe laevis and Microsomacanthus parvula) and Dilepididae (Parvi-taenia ardeolae). Birds belonged to 4 orders, namely: Po-dicipediformes (Podiceps cristatus), Anseriformes (Aythya ferina, Aythya nyroca, Anas crecca), Ciconiiformes (Ardea cinerea, Ardea purpurea) and Pelecaniformes (Phalacro-corax carbo). In all cases, higher heavy metal concentra-tions were found in the species of gravid tapeworms, lover ones in organs (liver, muscle) of their hosts. In the tape-worms the highest values were found in Pb, the lowest in Cd. It was found different ratio values expressing the ratio of Cestoda heavy metal concentrations to host organs con-centrations. The results indicate a different capacity of gravid tape-worms from aquatic birds to concentrate heavy metals when they are located in the intestine. The potential influ-ence on higher heavy metal concentrations and importance of several factors such as, e.g., longer time exposure, hosts’ age and their mobility, heavy metal importance for tapeworm larval stages and their intermediate hosts, heavy metal effects on tapeworm morphological and anatomical features and potential use of tapeworm heavy metal con-centrations as indicators of the environment conditions are discussed.

 HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:143-148, 2002

Survival and infectivity of Echinostoma friedi (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) miracidia and cercariae under experimental conditions


Departamento de Parasitología, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Valencia, Av. Vicente Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 Burjassot - Valencia, Spain, E-mail: Jguillermo.Esteban@uv.es 


The survival characteristics of the miracidia and the cerca-riae of Echinostoma friedi (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) and the effect of the ageing on their respective infectivity were studied at 20°C. Survival of both free-living larval stages was found to be age-dependent, probably in relation to the steadily diminishing endogenous energy levels. The maximum life span and time to 50 % mortality were deter-mined at 10.0 h and 6.8 h for the miracidia and 28.0 h and 23.5 h for the cercariae. The age dependency of miracidial and cercarial infectivity may be related to the limited amount of energy reserves, though the delay in attaining maximum infectivity observed in the cercariae suggests that other factors not related to energy considerations were also involved in the delimitation of the infective period. In the case of the miracidia a gradual increase of infectivity in the few first hours after hatching was not observed. The absence of a pre-infective period in the miracidia of E. frie-di could be related to the low specificity toward the first intermediate host shown by this trematode species.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:149-154, 2002

Stichorchis subtriquetrus (Digenea: Cladorchidae) – back to the fauna of the Czech Republic after 200 years

B. Koubková , V. Barus*, P. Koubek*

Department of Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic, E-mail: koubkova@sci.muni.cz;
*Institute of Vertebrate Biology CAS, Květná 8, 603 65 Brno, Czech Republic, E-mail: koubek@brno.cas.cz


The first record of the trematode Stichorchis subtriquetrus is reported from European beaver (Castor fiber) in the Czech Republic. Detailed redescription is added and is compared by the available findings on the morphometric variability of this taxon. The presence of this parasite in the Czech territory where the beaver became extinct some 150-200 years ago is a result of reintroduction of the defi-nitive host. The issue of stichorchosis epizootology of bea-vers is discussed. As to the ecosozoological aspects, law protects the beaver and its specific parasites in the Czech Republic.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:155-158, 2002

Contribution to the helminths of wild geese in the the Slovak Republic


Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic, E-mail: hanzel@saske.sk
Department of Experimental Botany and Genetics, Faculty of Sciences, P. J. Šafárik University, Mánesova 23, 041 54 Košice, Slovak Republic, E-mail: amacko@kosice.up-js.sk


Endoparasitic helminths of three wild geese, Anser albi-frons (Scopoli, 1768), A. fabalis (Latham, 1787) and Bran-ta canadensis (L., 1758) from the territory of the Slovak Republic were investigated.   Altogether 15 helminth species were found: 3 trematodes - Apatemon gracilis (Rudolphi, 1819), Echinostoma revolu-tum (Froelich, 1802), Notocylus sp.; 7 cestodes – Retino-metra longistylosa (Tseng-Shen, 1932); R. longivaginata (Fuhrmann, 1906), R. longicirrosa (Fuhrmann, 1906), Tschertkovilepis barrowensis (Schiller, 1952), T. krabbei (Kowalewski, 1895), T. setigera (Froelich, 1789), War-dium creplini (Krabbe, 1869) and 5 nematode species – Amidostomum spatulatum Baylis, 1932, Epomidiostomum orispinum (Molin, 1861), Hystrichis tricolor Dujardin, 1845, Ganguleterakis dispar (Schrank, 1790) and Tetrame-res sp. The difficulties with the complex identification of some helminths of the present list (e.g. Echinostoma revolutum, Notocotylus sp., Tschertkovilepis barrowensis) are briefly noted.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:159-163, 2002

On the occurrence of Rotylenchulus borealis in the Slovak Republic (Research note)


Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01Košice, Slovak Republic;
1Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante, Sez. di Bari, C.N.R. - Via Amendola 165/A, 70126 Bari, Italy


Rotylenchulus borealis Loof & Oostenbrink, 1962 has been reported for the first time in the territory of the Slovak Republic. The hosts are maize (Zea mays L.) and pig-weed plants (Chenopodium album L.). Nematode infesta-tion and morphological character of the observed species are presented here.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:165-167, 2002

On the occurrence of the root-knot nematode species Meloidogyne incognita in the Slovak Republic (Research note)


Parasitological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Hlinkova 3, 040 01 Košice, Slovak Republic;
1Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante, Sez. di Bari, C.N.R. - Via Amendola 165/A, 70 126 Bari, Italy


The root-knot nematode species Meloidogyne incognita was identified for the first time in the Slovak Republic in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots. The nematode popu-lation density resulted in the root system appearing large completely deformed by the presence of root galls (3 to 8 times the root diameter), each containing more than one adult egg-laying females. Morphological observations on the present population agree closely with those reported for M. incognita.

HELMINTHOLOGIA, 39, 3:169-170, 2002

Proceedings of the Eleventh Helminthological Days held at Dolní Věstonice (Czech Republic) May 13-16, 2002

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