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Folia Oecologica

Domovský ústav: Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, v. v. i.


Jazyk: anglický

Web: ife.sk/research/edited-journals/folia-oecologica/

Address of the publisher and the editorial office
Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ľ. Štúra 2, 960 53 Zvolen,
Slovak Republic

Company registration number: 00679071
Tel.: +421 45 5241111, Fax: +421 45 5479485, https://ife.sk
E-mail: knizuel@savzv.sk


Folia oecologica is a continuation of the journal Folia dendrologica published in the years 1974 - 1997. Folia oecologica is an international scientific journal. It has published original scientific works in the field of ecology oriented toward forest ecosystems, natural and urbanized environments, plants and animals

1. Contents of manuscripts:
The full paper should contain the following parts: 1. Title, 2. Author, 3. Academic address, 4. Abstract (in English), 5. Key words (4-5), 6. Introduction, 7. Material and methods, 8. Results, 9. Discussion, 10. Conclusion, 11. Acknowledgements, 12. References, 13. Author' home address, 14. Summary in English if the paper is published in Slovak (Czech) language and/or in Slovak if the paper is published in other languages (1 page). The Summary should not exceed 10% of the published contribution.

2. Size of manuscripts:
Original scientific work (OSW). The manuscript should not exceed 20 pages inclusive of Tables and Figures. Only references cited in the text should be attached. Any contribution should contain the author's identification data at the end; that is, all scientific degrees and academic titles, first name, surname, address (academic and/or home if retired).

3. Notes for reviewers:
Contributions are reviewed before publication by appointed members of the Editorial Board of Folia oecologica and outside reviewers according to the printed form of reviewers.

4. Technical requirements:
Manuscripts with illustrations and tables must be submitted in two printed, double-spaced, typed examples (original and one copy). The manuscript should be written on a PC using WORD software for editing. After the review and correction processes are over, please send the paper back to the Editorial Office.
The following bibliographic citations illustrate the punctuation, style and abbreviation for references.

Citation of a monograph:
SUPUKA, J. et al., 1991: Ecological Principles for Creation and Protection of Greenery (in Slovak).Bratislava, Veda, 307 pp.
Citation of a contribution in a journal:
BARTKO, D., 1981: Man and Working Environment (in Slovak). Zivotné prostredie, 15 (3), p. 119.
Citation of a contribution in Proceedings and/or chapter in a monograph:
LABANC, J., 1998: New forms of tree species. In. Folia oecologica 24/1-2. Zvolen, ÚEL SAV. P. 30-37.
Tables: Tables should be typed on separate pages in a manuscript and comply with the same rules as the manuscripts. Each Table should bear a brief caption and title, i.e. Table 1, Table2, etc. SI abbreviations are used only in such cases where a mistake is possible to occur. In the manuscript the corresponding Table number is to be figured at the page margin together with the abbreviation Tab. 1, etc. Tables should be attached to the end of the manuscript after Captions to Figures.

Figures should be placed on separate pages and the author should take into account that their size will be reduced. It is not recommenced to use too thin of lines, small letters, numbers, etc. The figures need not be on the file. Captions below Figures should be written on a separate sheet of paper in Slovak and in English.
Proofs: The author(s) will receive galley proofs to correct mistakes made by the printing house. Galley proofs are simultaneously corrected by the Editorial Board. The authors are not allowed to change or renew original wording of the papers, only individual words may be inserted. The Editorial Board is not obliged to take into account distinct erroneous corrections by the authors. The corrections should be made in blue or black ink using proof readers marks in the margin. Corrected proofs should be given back to the Editorial Office within an appointed period of time, they should be supplied with an "imprimatur" clause; in case of delay the Editorial Board does not undertake responsibility for adding the author's corrections to the paper.
Offprints: Author(s) will be furnished with 20 offprints.

Editorial Board of the Journal Folia oecologica Institute of Forest Ecology SAS
Sturova c.2, 960 53 ZVOLEN
The Slovak Republic

Editorial board

Prof.Ing.Eduard BUBLINEC,CSc

Milan Barna,Zvolen, Eduard Bublinec,Zvolen, Alojz Cicák,Zvolen, Dušan Gomory,Zvolen, Pavel Hrubík,Nitra, Helena Ivanová,Nitra, Grygori Krynycki,Lviv, Ján Kukla,Zvolen, Ján Kulfan,Zvolen, Jiří Kulhavý,Brno, Július Oszlányi,Bratislava, Jerzy Puchalski,Warsawa, Ivan Raev,Sofia, Gábor Schmidt,Budapest, Ján Supuka,Nitra, Ferdinand Tokár,Nitra, Jozef Váľka,Zvolen, Peter Zach, Zvolen, Tadeusz Piotr Zarski, Warsawa.

Ing. Katarina Sladekova