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The list of national projects SAS

Earth Science Institute of the SAS

Analysis of special magnetotelluric situations and their manifestations in the electromagnetic response

Analýza zvláštnych magnetotelurických situácií a ich prejavov v elektromagnetickej odozve

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Marsenić Alexandra PhD.
Annotation:Electromagnetic exploration of the Earth consists in evaluating its response to the action of electromagnetic fields. Magnetotellurics uses variations of electric and magnetic fields, which penetrate to various depths depending on the frequency and conductivity of the subsoil layers. However, the near-surface lateral inhomogeneities distort the expected response, with the magnitude of the distortion depending on the conductivity contrast between the large-scale (surveyed regional) structure and the local disturbing body. This is due to the induction of charges and currents at the interfaces, which become a source of secondary fields. As for the interpretation of the measured data, this is an unpleasant problem, but these fields also carry information about the subsurface structure. It is difficult to model them numerically, as the task requires the establishment of an internal boundary condition. Identifying secondary fields in the response can help to a more reliable interpretation of the measured data.

Application of modern gravimetric and other geophysical methods to selected problems of geological structure of the earth crust and lithosphere and of its geodynamics processes

Aplikácia moderných gravimetrických a ďalších geofyzikálnych metód na vybrané problémy geologickej stavby zemskej kôry a litosféry a štúdium dynamických procesov v nej prebiehajúcich.

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Vajda Peter PhD.
Annotation:Application of modern approaches of gravimetric inversion and structural density and integrated modelling, supported by additional geophysical and geological methods, to solving selected current problems of crustal and lithospheric structure and its tectonic development, as well as dynamic processes therein. For that sake methods of joint modelling of several geophysical fields and diverse datasets will be adopted, along with gravimetric inversion based on model exploration and growing source bodies of free geometry (the Growth approach). The Growth inversion approach will be applied also to interpretation of spatiotemporal gravity changes. For structural studies interpretation of new geoelectric and MT data, and existing seismic profile data, will be employed. Isotope dating and petrological and geochemical analyses will be utilized also. The determined rheological properties will be incorporated into the structural models to infer tectonic implications.

Supergene mineral associations and parageneses: a reflection of environmental heavy element migration

Asociácie a paragenézy supergénnych minerálov: odraz migrácie ťažkých prvkov v životnom prostredí

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Siman Pavol PhD.

Assessing stratigraphic changes in geochemical composition of microplankton (calpionellids) and in their biomineralization during the Latest Jurassic and Early Cretaceous


Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2024
Project leader: Mgr. Ölveczká Diana

Atlas of tectonic dislocations of the Earth´s crust in the territory of Slovakia

Atlas tektonických dislokácií zemskej kôry na území Slovenska

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Bezák Vladimír CSc.
Annotation:The knowledge of tectonic dislocations (faults) is essential for various areas of economic activity (e.g. large transport constructions, dams, nuclear power plants, mineral exploration and exploration of geothermal waters), and it has an impact on environmental issues (e.g. risks, slope deformations, sites for radioactive waste seismic storage). The systematic processing of data on the dislocations of crust in Slovakia in the form of a comprehensive monograph is highly needed. This is the aim of our DISLOCAT project. Based on the excerption of available published and archived data, all significant tectonic dislocations of crust will be characterized according to uniform criteria. We will focus on the faults from the youngest Neoalpine tectonic development, many of which are still active today. The basic parameters of the faults will include the manifestations of the faults in the geological map and/or aerial and satellite images, its course, inclination and depth, thickness of the disturbed zone, structural data and kinematics, age, seismicity, available geodetic measurements of recent movements, geomorphological manifestations and springs of water or emanations. Great attention will be paid to seismoactive fault zones. The information about selected faults will be collected and made more precise by field research into the geological structure and geophysical, mainly magnetotelluric measurements.

Bentonite: Slovak strategic raw material - Innovative assessment of bentonite quality and origin for its efficient use

Bentonit: strategická surovina Slovenska – inovatívne hodnotenie zdrojov a ich kvality pre jej efektívne využívanie

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Biroň Adrián CSc.


Biochronológia fosílnych eventov a sedimentárne archívy globálnych zmien paleoprostredia v mezozoických a kenozoických súvrstviach Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Soták Ján DrSc.

Reading in natural archives: thousands of years of environmental history and climate change recorded in alpine lakes of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Čítanie v prírodných archívoch: tisíce rokov dlhá história prostredia a klimatických zmien zaznamenaná v alpínskych jazerách Ukrajinských Karpát

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Dr. Kyška-Pipík Radovan PhD.

Evolution of biota and climate in the southern Turgai Strait: refuge populated by endemic species or paleoenvironment that enabled selective faunal exchange between Asia and Europe in Cretaceous?

Evolúcia bioty a podnebia v oblasti južného Turgajského prielivu: refúgium endemitov alebo paleoprostredie selektívnej výmeny fauny medzi Áziou a Európou v období kriedy?

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Milovský Rastislav PhD.

Extensometric measurements and interpretation of the periodical and non periodical deformation of the Earth´s crust in the Western Carpathian region

Extenzometrické merania a interpretácia periodických a neperiodických deformácií zemskej kôry v oblasti Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Dérerová Jana PhD.
Annotation:Monitoring and interpretation of the periodical and non-periodical geodynamic phenomena in the Western Carpathians region and the Pannonian Basin. Modelling and computation of the surface deformations, displacements and gravity changes in an elastic halfspace due to the sources of the anomalous heat flow. Construction of the new registration device for the extensometer at the tidal station in Vyhne using the capacitive transducer. The investigation of the geodynamic processes in the lithosphere of the Western Carpathians using the long periodical and non periodical measurement of the deformations of the Earth´s crust. Application of the extensometric data for the calculation of the more precise rheological models of the lithosphere in the Western Carpathians using 2D integrated modelling. Determination of the amplitudes of the mean tidal waves from the extensometric measurements with the new registration device using the capacitive transducer at the Vyhne tidal station.

Chronostratigraphic standards and sedimentary archives of global changes of biota and paleoenvironments of the Western Carpathians

Chronostratigrafické štandardy a sedimentárne archívy globálnych zmien života a paleoprostredia Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.8.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Soták Ján DrSc.
Annotation:Sedimentary archives preserve a time-stratigraphic boundaries and records of evolutionary development, life environments, climatic conditions and the Earth global changes. The project is focused to integrated research and multiproxy analysis of stratigraphic sections of the Western Carpathians. The first objective of project will be to provide the data for determination of stratigraphic boundaries and their time-scale calibration with international stratotype sections GSSP. The most usefull for dating of marine sediments are planktonic organisms, which provide a bioevents for global correlation of stratigraphic stage boundaries, biozones, magnetochrons, isotope curves, orbital cycles, etc. Beside of crucial importance for stratigraphy, the fossil microorganisms also provide a sensitive proxy for climatic conditions, CO2 content, eustatic sea level, oxygen concentration, circulation, isolation, and another paleoenvironmental changes. Terrestrial environments will be analyzed in term of mammalian biostratigraphy, vertebrate paleoecology and paleovegetation. The aim of the project will be identification of stratigraphic boundary events at reference sections of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations of the Western Carpathians, and their correlation with geologic time scale and global changes of paleoenvironments in Tethyan and Paratethyan basins.


Integrovaná geofyzikálna a geologická detekcia priebehu vikartovského zlomu a muránskej zlomovej línie a charakteristika ich parametrov v kombinácii s morfotektonickou a štruktúrnou analýzou a datovaním výplní zlomov (Hornádska kotlina, Levočské vrchy)

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Madarás Ján PhD.


Korelácia magnetotelurických, gravimetrických, magnetických, seizmických a geotermických dát z územia Slovenska za účelom interpretácie tektonickej stavby zemskej kôry a litosféry

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Vozár Ján PhD.


Kôrovo-plášťové komplexy variských geosutúrnych zón západokarpatského fundamentu – petrologicko-geochemické a geochrononologické indikátory periférnych paleozoických bazénov Gondwany, paleogeografická korelácia.

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kohút Milan CSc.

Magnetootelluric modelling of the contact zone between External and Internal Western Carpathians


Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2024
Project leader: Mgr. Ondrášová Lenka

Metamorphic records of collisional orogens

Metamorfné záznamy kolíznych orogénov

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Janák Marian DrSc.

Mineralogical, crystallochemical and isotope study of sulfosalts form the selected types of ore mineralizations in the Western Carpathians

Mineralogické, kryštalochemické a izotopové štúdium sulfosolí z vybraných typov rudných mineralizácií

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Števko Martin PhD.
Annotation:The proposed project deals with detailed mineralogical, crystal-chemical and isotope study of sulfosalts from the various genetic types of the ore mineralizations from the territory of the Western Carpathians. The studied localities are selected to represent different paragenetic and genetic types of hydrothermal mineralization (epithermal veins, siderite veins, stibnite veins, greisens) as well as different geological environments (neovolcanic rocks, crystalline basement of the Tatric and Veporic unit, Gemeric unit etc.). Project includes a detailed study of the chemical composition of minerals of the sulfosalt group, their advanced crystal chemical research as well as study of stable isotopes of sulphur in these minerals. A wide range of analytical methods will be used. The expected results of this project will significantly contribute and expand the existing knowledge about minerals of the sulfosalt group at the international level.

Mobility and accumulation of critical elements during formation and alteration of orogenic carbonatites

Mobilita a akumulácia kritických prvkov pri vzniku a alterácií orogénnych karbonatitov

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hurai Vratislav DrSc.
Annotation:Minerals of critical metals (Zr, Nb, Ta, REE) are prospective raw materials that trigger the recent technological progress. These elements are preferably bound to carbonatites, i.e. igneous rocks composed predominantly of carbonates. The overwhelming part of recent knowledge concerns carbonatites in stable cratons. Recently, however, the metallogenetic potential of orogenic carbonatites from tectonic plate junctions has been investigated. These carbonatites are intensely reworked, which affected the behavior of critical elements. The aim of the project is mineralogical, geochemical and geochronological research of selected carbonatite deposits in Mozambique and China in order to identify processes of mobilization, accumulation and disproportionation of critical metals during magma fractionation and superimposed metamorphic, hydrothermal and metasomatic reworking. The main output of the project will be the formulation of criteria for optimizing exploration methods for orogenic carbonatites.

The monitoring of the geomagnetic field and the study of extreme mid-latitude geomagnetic disturbances

Monitoring geomagnetického poľa a štúdium extrémnych geomagnetických porúch v stredných šírkach

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Valach Fridrich PhD.
Annotation:Recent case studies of extreme mid-latitude geomagnetic variations have indicated that their primary cause may be the auroral current systems or the field aligned currents connecting the auroral oval to the more distant parts of the magnetosphere. This is inconsistent with the traditional concept of magnetic storms, which says that the main cause of such extreme phenomena is the intensified ring current. The preliminary conclusions of these case studies can only be confirmed, refuted or corrected by an analysis of a larger number of very intense mid-latitude disturbances. Thus the aim of the project is to contribute to the verification of this newly proposed mechanism of the extreme mid-latitude variations by analyzing a larger database of observations. The database will consist of modern digital records available from the INTERMAGNET as well as historical magnetograms from the mid-19th century. The project also contributes to the database extension with our observations at observatory Hurbanovo.


Neskoro pliocénne-rano pleistocénne chobotnatce (Proboscidea, Mammalia) z lokalít Nová Vieska a Strekov (Dunajská panva, Slovensko), Biochronológia, taxonómia a paleoekológia

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Tóth Csaba PhD.

New Bouguer anomaly map of the Alpine-Carpathian area: a tool for gravity and tectonic applications

Nová mapa Bouguerových anomálií alpsko-karpatskej oblasti: nástroj pre gravimetrické a tektonické aplikácie

Duration: 1.7.2020 - 30.6.2024
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Zahorec Pavol PhD.
Annotation:Exact calculation of the complete Bouguer anomalies (CBA) plays an important role in applied gravimetry, whereas these serve as the main input into geological, structural and tectonic interpretation (in CBA maps all non-geological influences – mainly the manifestation of relief - are suppresed and the density inhomogeneities in lithosphere structure are displayed). The team of investigators of the submitted project was invited in the frame of an European initiative (AlpArray Gravity Research Group) with the aim to create a new map of CBA from the Alpine-Carpathian area. Up to day published solutions, coming from the so-called „Slovak gravimetric school“ (e.g.: reambulation of gravimetric databases on the national level, calculation of near and distant topographic effects, regularized, transformations of potential fields, 3D complex density modelling with the introduction of the geological corrections, stripping of gravimetric fields) could be further developed and applied during the tectonic interpretation of the new CBA map from the Alpine-Carpathian region with the aim to improve the knowledge about Alpine orogenesis and its relation to the upper-mantle dynamics. As a part of the project, there are planned also verification field measurements, which can contribute to the improvement of the precision of the gravimetrical dataset of the Alpine- Carpathian area. Project has chance to develop the methodics of CBA calculation in high-mountains environment using the concept of ellipsoidal heights and to deliver to other experts an unique new gravimetric map from the region of Western and Central Europe. Main output of the project will be the new CBA map from the Alpine- Carpathian region in a digital format (grid 4x4 km), which will be provided for a realisation of gravimetric, geodynamic, exploration, geothermal and other studies and researches. Additional outputs of the project will be the transformed maps (grids) of CBA field.

Radon activity concentration in selected show caves in Slovakia

Objemová aktivita radónu vo vybraných sprístupnených jaskyniach na Slovensku

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing., RNDr. Smetanová Iveta PhD.
Annotation:The project addresses the investigation of radon activity concentration (222Rn) in the atmosphere of selected show caves in Slovakia, using integral and continuous measurements. Long-term integral and short-term continuous monitoring will be performed in the atmosphere of the Brestovská Cave, the Harmanecká Cave and the Demänovská jaskyňa slobody Cave. In the Važecká Cave the continuous monitoring of radon will continue. Periodic and non periodic variation of radon activity concentration will be evaluated in relation to the meteorological parameters measured inside and outside the cave. Radon activity concentration in water collected from lakes and streams in the above mentioned caves will be determined. On the basis of the obtained experimental data a model of seasonal, daily and short-term variations of radon in caves will be proposed and tested, as well as model of their ventilation regime.

Response of Mountain pine to stress factors in mountain areas of the Western Carpathians

Odozva borovice horskej – kosodreviny na stresové faktory v horských oblastiach Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Lukasová Veronika PhD.
Annotation:The communities of Mountain pine (Pinus mugo) fulfill important ecological and environmental functions in mountainous areas. Due to climate changes, these communities are exposed to warming, extreme weather conditions (hot dry summers, warm spells in winters, reduced snow periods and snow cover) and high surface ozone (O3) concentrations, which affects their condition. The project presents a comprehensive approach to assess the biological response of P. mugo communities to stress factors (O3 concentration and bioclimatic conditions) evaluated by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), oxidative stability (OxSt) and the visible injury index (VII) of assimilation organs. The use of NDVI derived from satellite data which reflects the amount of chlorophyll in plant tissues; provides the possibility to analyze the damage in a large scale. Presented project is highly topical and responds to the requirements of the European Commission for the conservation of biodiversity in the context of climate change.

Paleogeographic and geodynamic interpretation of detrital minerals from selected regions of the Western Carpathians: A case study for identification of transport conditions on minerals from carst and non-carst areas

Paleogeografické a geodynamické interpretácie detritických minerálov z vybraných oblastí Západných Karpát: prípadová štúdia identifikácie charakteru transportných podmienok a zdrojových oblastí v krasových a nekrasových územiach

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Broska Igor DrSc.

Petrogenetic models of Palaeozoic granitic rocks in the Western Carpathians and their correlation

Petrogenetické modely Paleozoických granitických hornín v Západných Karpatoch a ich korelácia

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Broska Igor DrSc.
Annotation:The project is focused on the geodynamic setting of Paleozoic granitic magmatism in the Western Carpathians as well as their correlation with analogous plutonic rocks across Variscan Europe, and updating the current petrogenetic models. The West-Carpathian Paleozoic granitic rocks represent a heterogeneous suite, which includes Early Paleozoic pre-Variscan (Cambrian-Ordovician), Variscan (Early Carboniferous), and post-Variscan (Permian) igneous lithotypes. The oldest group is related to an active Gonwana margin, and this transformed to Variscan orthogneisses. Relatively older Variscan granitoid plutons (ca. 365-350 Ma) may have formed in an extensional arc-type setting above an early Variscan (Lower Devonian) subduction zone. The following post-collision extension generated a younger group of the Variscan granites to tonalites (ca. 350-340, less 330 Ma). Both groups are consistent with the two anatectic events so far recognized at ca. 370-360 Ma and 350-340 Ma, respectively. Only minor part is formed in a post-collisional-extensional tectonic regime consistent with breakup of the Pangea supercontinent (mainly A- and specialized S-types, at ca. 280-250 Ma). Granitic rocks will be preferably studied by using the standard magmatic and metamorphic petrology methods namely: mineralogy, geochemistry

Comparative taphonomy of micro- and macroinvertebrates: tracing the intensity of the taphonomically-active zone through time

Porovnávacia tafonómia mikro- and makrobezstavovcov: stopovanie intenzity tafonomicky-aktívnej zóny v čase

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Tomašových Adam DrSc.
Annotation:The stratigraphic record is a unique archive of the dynamics of past ecosystems and their recovery in the wake of perturbations in the carbon cycle that led to abrupt warming, anoxia and acidification. The transformation of a sediment depth to a chronological axis (time), necessary in any reconstruction of ecosystem changes on the basis of the fossil record, is complicated owing to temporally-variable sedimentation, mixing and preservation and owing to difficulties in estimating time averaging of fossil assemblages. However, the intensity of taphonomic pathways is affected by ecosystem functioning (that determine sediment mixing and decomposition of organics), and the resulting taphofacies (assemblages of shells characterized by distinct preservation) can thus be informative about time averaging. Ecosystem perturbations can lead to a decline in bioturbation, which decreases time averaging and reduces the depth of the taphonomically-active zone (TAZ). We hypothesize that the taphonomic pathways prior to the diversification of predators and burrowers (Mesozoic Marine Revolution) were less intense and did not penetrate deep into sediments relative to faster disintegration in Cenozoic sediments with deeper mixing. These pathways also triggered a shallow depth of cementation, leading to the formation of the limestone-marl alternation (LMA). Here, we will (1) develop durability models of preservation on the basis of Holocene data, (2) assess the efficiency of taphonomic clock to estimate time averaging on the basis of skeletal preservation, (3) evaluate the pathways that affect the preservation of calcareous plankton, its contribution to the carbonate content during the Jurassic, and their role in the origin of LMA, and (4) trace changes in the intensity of the TAZ by comparing preservation of Jurassic and Cenozoic assemblages, comparing taphofacies of micro- and macroinvertebrates and trace fossils, separately in environments with and without oxygen depletion.


Provenienčná analýza (meta) sedimentov vybraných súvrství mladšieho paleozoika gemerika centrálnych Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Vďačný Marek PhD.

Rifting and subsidence history of back-arc basins across the Western Carpathians

Rifting a subsidenčná história zaoblúkových paniev Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kotulová Júlia PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on the research of subsidence history, mainly in the Danube and East Slovakian Neogene basins. Due to a plentiful newly published research results, a need to revise older models is now present. With regards to the the aims of this work, new biostratigraphic, radiometric and geochemical analyzes (organic carbon content, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance, biomarkers) will be performed. They will be derived from key deep wells, outcrops and correlated by using available reflection seismic. The analysis of subsidence history will allow the determination of the total, tectonic and thermal history in connection with the geodynamic development of the Western Carpathians. The study will also bring new insights into the hydrocarbon and geothermal systems of the basins. The final refined tectono-thermal models will therefore be potentially applicable in various energy industry sectors.


Sedimentárne paleoprostredia a fauna lastúrničiek vo vrchnom miocéne Západných Karpát

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Starek Dušan PhD.


Spresnenie údajovej a interpretačnej databázy v prípade vybraných geofyzikálnych anomálií na území SR

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Zahorec Pavol PhD.

Amber cockroaches (III)

Šváby zo svetových jantárov III.

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Vršanský Peter PhD.
Annotation:Cockroaches are the most significant terrestrial fossils and their study in this agency terminated in two successful projects (one "excellent project" of the agency, referenced in Nature and also in Science, popularised 3x in title BBC). Project is summarising and studying about 4.000 amber cockroaches with most of them from the extremely rare ambers from time of dinosaurs. Unique study contributes to the knowledge of the amber source ecosystems (paleoecology, including the only reference point to the contemporary nature, the amber), detailed phylogenetical analysis (evolutionary patterns), functional morphology, anatomy (including gut content with endosymbionts and eggs) of Mesozoic animals including the sensorial systems, having no equivalent. The modest methods including synchrotron and newly developed ad-hoc optical methods are being used.


Účinky klimatických zmien na veľkostnú štruktúru bentických spoločenstiev a ich odlíšenie od tafonomických účinkov vo fosílnom zázname (spodná jura, titón, miocénne klimatické optimum, holocén).

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Tomašových Adam DrSc.

Research on the influence of geological aspects on the estimation of seasonal correction factors of radon for living spaces

Výskum vplyvu geologických aspektov na odhad sezónnych korekčných faktorov radónu pre pobytové priestory

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing., RNDr. Smetanová Iveta PhD.
Annotation:The main source of radon in buildings is the subsoil. Radon concentration in the soil air is not constant and depends on several parameters. A proper understanding of the mechanisms of radon transport from soil to homes can help reduce the health risk of the population from radon exposure. Concentrations of 222Rn, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K in the soil will be monitored in order to gain new knowledge about their distribution in the soil and also contribute to a better understanding of radon exhalation from soil as a function of soils parameters. The research will also improve the sensitivity of 222Rn measurement methods. Models describing the entry of radon into buildings and radon behavior in residential areas will be improved and tested. Based on a year-long measurement of indoor 222Rn and knowledge of the subsoil, seasonal correction factors for the calculation of average annual indoor radon, depending on the geological aspects of the soils, will be proposed and adjusted.

Weathering of minerals of the tetraedrite group: mobility of elements, supergene products and their stability

Zvetrávanie minerálov tetraedritovej skupiny: mobilita prvkov, supergénne produkty a ich stabilita

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Števko Martin PhD.
Annotation:The proposed project deals with detailed mineralogical study of weathering of minerals of the tetrahedrite group from various localities in Western Carpathians as well as in Bulgaria and Namibia, which are representing different geological environments as well as diverse compositional types of tetrahedrites. This is a very actual topic not only in the context of mineralogy, but also geochemistry and environmental mineralogy. Detailed study of the chemical composition of the primary/unaltered minerals of the tetrahedrite group, identification and advanced crystal-chemical research of all supergene products of weathering and determination of geochemical behaviour and mobility of the toxic elements will be included in this project. Both the standard mineralogical methods such as field work and sampling, followed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microanalysis (EMPA), single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction analysis (SC-XRD and PXRD), spectroscopic methods such as infrared absorption (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, as well as solution and relaxation calorimetry will be used. Expected results of this project should contribute significantly to the current knowledge of processes, mobility of elements, mineralogy of the products and stability of the supergene phases formed during the weathering of minerals of the tetrahedrite group. We believe that we will be able to define in detail, which phases are predominantly formed and how toxic elements like Cu, Hg, As or Sb are acting during the supergene/weathering processes in different geological environments. We also expect to identify which supergene products are stable or metastable at various pH/Eh conditions. Thus, the results of the proposed project may have an valuable output not only for mineralogists and geochemists, but also applicable in practice, especially in environmental management and remediation of the former mining sites.

The total number of projects: 34